She Was Content To Have A Simple Yet Fulfilling Life

While Tsubaki was anxious regarding the news of her mother, it was time for her monthly pregnancy check-up. If she wasn't reminded by Ren, she would have totally forgotten about it.

"Would it really be alright for you to come with me?" Tsubaki asked her husband while they were on the way to the hospital.

"I have nothing important in the morning," Ren patiently gave her the same answer as she had already asked him the same question for the fourth time.

Because he wanted to accompany her, Ren crammed all of his time finishing what he should in the past few days. The rest could be left for Takuma and Matsukazi for the time being.

Ren put his palm over her belly. Concern flitted in his eyes as he gently rubbed his wife's baby bump, "Besides, your tummy is quick to grow big. Even Grandma and Aunt notice that."

At first, both of them didn't think much about it because none of them had any prior experience but, Grandma and Aunt Kasumi pointed out that usually women wouldn't show any sign of their bellies bulging in the first trimester.

But, because every pregnant woman underwent different experiences and Tsubaki herself didn't appear unhealthy, they just reminded her to take care of herself and ask for the doctor's advice whenever she went to the check-up.

"About that..." Tsubaki's mind drifted to the pregnancy books she had read. She tilted up her gaze and looked at her husband's side profile, "What if I... carry twins?"

Since she was a twin herself with Hinata, she couldn't help but think of the possibility. The first time they got to know she was pregnant was during her early first trimester. The doctor might miss the another dot inside her womb.

"All the more reason for you to take better care of yourself now," Ren was obviously elated at the prospect even so his worries amplified, "Either it's twins or not, I want you to have a smooth and happy pregnancy."

His wife had to face the stress during her pregnancy, all related to her past. It was something that upset him but Ren understood they couldn't do anything about it.

The sealed Pandora box had been opened especially with her meeting Mr. Souma, revealing all the unforeseen trouble. Both of them agreed to not press this matter down nor ignore them.

Moreover, it was still unconfirmed either Mr. Souma had Fujioka Masami in his palms or not.

The checkup was done smoothly. Tsubaki's health report came out fine. Her doctor, Dr. Shiimoto, gave the couple more things they had to take notice of because indeed, Tsubaki was pregnant with twins, although it was still early to say the genders of her twins.

"A mother who carries twins is more likely to have gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and premature labor. You have to do frequent checkups and come to antenatal appointments. More ultrasounds are crucial for us to see the development of the babies."

Dr. Shiimoto used simple terms when she talked to the beaming new parents. Both Ren and Tsubaki were overjoyed when their assumption was true. Even so, as Dr. Shiimoto had reminded them, they had to be extra careful when Tsubaki was nurturing the two fetuses in her womb.

"Mrs. Fuse, you might feel scared because having twins means more complications. I hope you wouldn't keep it for yourself. Every time you feel uneasy, it's best if you do the things you love. Even taking a walk could help to lift up your mood. And Mr. Fuse, a husband's support is extremely important during a woman's pregnancy, no matter if it's the first or second one. I hope you two could adhere to my advice."

The husband and wife thanked Dr. Shiimoto vigorously before they came out of the doctor's room. Tsubaki felt like she was walking on the clouds as she lightly held on to Ren's arm. As soon as they stepped out to the hospital hallway, she was enveloped in a familiar embrace.


Ren repeatedly kissed her face, peppering her skin with tender kisses before his lips fell on hers. Tsubaki shyly punched on his chest as she was abashed if they were seen by someone else. Her husband's chest vibrated as his laughter echoed from the above of her head. He firmly locked her in his arms as he nestled his head on her neck.

"Two... Gosh, hehe, I can't believe we're having twins. Sweetheart, thank you, thank you so much."

The unconcealable joy in his voice spread warmth all over her heart. Tsubaki wrapped her arms around his waist as her smile softening.

"Darling, I am happy."

Those words couldn't convey how deep her feelings right now. Tsubaki was too overwhelmed with her emotions until tears rushed to her eyes. It was like a spring breeze was enveloping her, embracing her gently with warmth.

The past months were the hardest for her, especially when they started tracing back her past. The news that she was carrying twins came like a beautiful rainbow after a storm.

"Sweetheart, you heard what Dr. Shiimoto has said," Ren loosened his arms around her. He placed one hand to support her waist while the other grasped gently on her wrists. With concern lingered in his brows, he softly reminded, "You can't put yourself on more stress. Whenever you're feeling low, I hope you would tell me. Don't keep everything by yourself."

Tsubaki's eyes twinkled in joy. Her smile was dripping with honey as she assented to him with a soft hum.

Ren drew a smile. He leaned down and tenderly kissed her temple.

This was the lady he swore his heart to. He had to protect their little family, no matter what.

The two of them walked away from the hallway, getting ready to leave the hospital. The checkup had drained some of Tsubaki's energy, making her sleepy and tired. Ren carefully led her wife as they walked to the elevator.

"Would you like to come with me to the office?" Ren pushed on the button once they got inside the empty elevator.

"En," Tsubaki nodded without thinking much about it.

She understood she was being clingy but, today, she just wanted to be with him. She had yet to relieve her longing for him during the short three days he was away from her.

Before, her life only revolved around herself and Satsuki's. After meeting him, she began to orbit around him next like how he did to her. Tsubaki thought it wasn't too bad.

She was not an ambitious woman who strove to the peak of the world. She was content to have a simple yet fulfilling life.

Moreover, he didn't constrain her no matter what she wanted to do. He paved roads for her, giving her chances to make the choices and, because of his unconditional support, it led her back to him.

Tsubaki didn't want these heartwarming days to cease, yet...

Sometimes, life took another turn for her.

"What are you doing here?"

Ren's stern voice was directed to the older man who was standing next to their car. Tsubaki unconsciously gripped tighter on her husband's arm as she was surprised by the man's appearance.

"I come to see Mrs. Fuse," The man openly stared at Tsubaki with tension in between his brows, "I'm sorry that I come unannounced but, I have to talk to you, Mrs. Fuse."

"I don't have anything to talk to you though, President Souma," Tsubaki coolly replied to the man, "For you to seek me out, I don't see anything important in it. Please go back to where you should. Ah, shouldn't you be at your office now?"

When she saw the silhouette of a familiar man standing near their car before, Tsubaki thought her eyes were playing with her yet, it was true that she didn't mislook.

President Souma was really the one who she saw.

President Souma pursed his lips. He didn't shift his eyes away from the young lady.

It was on an impulse, but he really wanted to meet her. Ever since he first saw her a few months ago, he couldn't shake off his belief. They rarely came across one another yet, this time, he wouldn't back away.

"President Souma, my wife doesn't want to see you," Ren stepped forward and shielded Tsubaki with his back. His gaze was layered in frost toward the man who was older than him, "Please go back to where you came from. She's tired. She doesn't need you to pester her."

President Souma frowned. He looked past Ren to Tsubaki who stood behind her husband. He opened his mouth and directly asked, "Do you know Fujioka Masami? She is your mother, isn't she?"

Tsubaki's eyelashes trembled for a moment. She didn't expect him to be so direct.

Since it had come to this...

Tsubaki tugged on Ren's arm, silently asking him to make some way for her. Ren reluctantly agreed as he tacitly understood her intention. He took a step away from her, no longer acted as a barrier between her and the older man.

As Tsubaki lifted up her chin and looked unfazed toward President Souma, a string of words flowed out of her mouth.

"So, what if she is indeed my mother?"

This man had finally sought her out. Why must she cower away when she had done nothing wrong?

Tsubaki's directness caused a crack on the man's face.