
Hell. Perhaps that was the only word that could accurately describe the scene that played out right in front of me. I stood in a narrow gap of two buildings watching the two gangs fight.

It seemed to me that they had to kill the enemy at all costs as they killed each other in savage and barbarious ways.

I could not help but wonder what could cause such hatred in men.

Looking at the two gangs fighting I started analysing them. On one side was the Bloody Scorpion Gang and they were large in number. They stood at the edges of the street as they used despicable ways to kill their enemies. specifically poison.

They held short daggers in their hands that was tipped with a green liquid, presumably poison.

On the other side the Black Bullet Gang stood. They were twice the size of the Bloody Scorpion Gang and looked much more organised that the disorganised Bloody Scorpion Gang.

They held long swords in their hands as they fought the Bloody Scorpion Gang. A black tattoo of an eye was visible at their foreheads.

I noticed a pattern looking at all of them. For every short person there was a tall person accompanying him like they were partners or something.

Focusing my attention back at the fight I saw that it was reaching its climax and the Bloody Scorpion Gang was on the winning side.

However as I looked behind the Bloody Scorpion Gang I could see the shadows of some figures approaching them.

An ambush. I realised this was my chance at infiltrating the gang. How? This was the question that was bugging my mind.

A risk was all I could take. If my bloodline was extraordinary than its abilities should be the same. At least better than the norm that is. I closed my eyes and focused on my aura willing for it to surround my body.

Doing that I looked towards the fight still going on and the figures hiding in the shadows waiting for the perfect chance to ambush the Bloody Scorpion Gang.

I steeled my heart for what was to happen next and walked out of the narrow gap I was currently in towards the struggling bloody scorpion gang.


Axel breathed a long sigh as the long sword brushed past his hair. Seeing the chance of an opening he swung his dagger at his opponent only for it to graze past him too, barely touching his face.

Upon seeing this he looked at his opponent with a wide smile on his face. The opponent tried swinging his sword once more only for him to suddenly fall down.

Looking at him Axel laughed at how stupid he was. Did he not know that he his dagger was coated with a lethal poison: Green Dragons Spit.

And although it's name was not the greatest its ability at taking life away was something Axel could only describe as terrifying.

However his joy was not to last for long as he was attacked from opposite sides by two more opponents. Their attacks were well coordinated as Axel was put in a tough spot.

He tried calling for backup from his fellow gang members only to see that they were in the same predicament as him.

He fought the two man for as long as he could. Evading there attacks and trying to counter attack only to be blocked by them.

This was the problem that he currently faced. He and not only him the gang were outnumbered one to two.

Turning around he looked for a path to escape realising at this rate he would die of exhaustion.

Seeing a pathway he instantly turned his back to the enemy and dashed towards the escape path. When his fellow gang members saw him do this they followed suit.

However it seemed that in their panic they forgot a golden rule one should always follow when in combat.

'Never turn your back to the enemy'

The enemy upon seeing this Instantly slashed in the air using their swords. A sort of black light appered through the air as it travelled towards the back of the Bloody Scorpion Gang.

Axel and a few others from his gang sensed the danger awaiting them and seemed to cast some sort of chant. A red shield materialised in front of them as it protected them from the oncoming attack.

This helped them evade death but not for thos that hadn't protected themselves as half of his gang members died from the impact of the Black light.

Axel turned around only to see his opponents frozen. They were not converging on them to kill them but rather the stood petrified.

Confused he was thought the answer came to him. A godlike pressure desended upon him. This pressure was unlike any other and he had gone through many.

This aura scared the shit out of him as it converged in the air creating the feeling that space was contorting.

The person that held this aura soon revealed himself to Axel. A tall man walked out of a narrow path.

This man had a stern face that said he was not one to play around as he looked at Axel and the gang.

When he looked at Axel he saw that the man's eyes were only white only making him more scary.

Axel thought today was his last day alive only for him to suddenly breathe a sigh of relief. He saw that the man had a Red scorpion tattoo on him indicating that he was here to help them.

Axel was happy as this man could only be one thing.

One of the leaders of the Bloody Scorpion Gang.