
Looking around I could see both members of the two gangs were afraid of my power. The Bloody Scorpion Gang stood petrified in silence and fear whereas those of the Black bullet Gang shivered in trepidation. Terror evident in their eyes.

Realising the true extent of my power I took full advantage of it.

"Leave or your death is certain to be." I said.

The Black Bullet Gang instantly moved as they ran off. I looked towards the ones standing in ambush and gave them a death stare.

Seemingly my intimidation had worked as they dispersed in a matter of seconds.

Focusing my attention on the members of the Bloody Scorpion Gang I saw that they were few in number. The bulk of them had been slaughtered brutally.

The remaining few of them had not even spared glances for their dead comrades. A sickening feeling seemed up in my gut as I looked at them.

However, I kept my emotions in check as I had to find out more about the Bloody Scorpion Gang if I wanted my bluff to succeed.

Looking towards the one that seemed to be the strongest I focused my attention on him.

"You with the black and green hair. What is your name?" I said.

He stood petrified probably from the age that had played out a few seconds ago. Once again I could not help but be impressed by the power of intimidation my aura held.

Upon seeing I was speaking to him he got out of his trance.

"Are y-you talking ab-bout me? The man stuttered. Pointing his finger at himself.

"Did I not look at you when I was speaking?" I replied.

"Axel. That's my name Mr..."

"Adrian. Call me Adrian." I said. Taking on a serious look I said. "Now Axel I've got some questions for you and I want you to answer them truthfully. Do you understand?"

His voice back to normal Axel responded:

"I understand Mr. Adrian."

Annoyed at his formal way of speaking I said.

"Adrian or Boss call me one of them."

"Yes Boss Adrian."

"Now Axel tell me what caused this war between th- Us and the Black bullet Gang." I said.

Seeing a weird look on Axels face I quickly added.

"I was out on a mission outside if the city. "

An understanding look on his face Axel said:

"Boss Adrian The war stated This night. Apparently a Red Emerald mine was found by one of the Black bullet Gang in our territory. Those bastards from the Black bullet Gang declared it theirs even though it was in our territory. However that did not start the war it only led to a few skirmishes.

What truly brought about the war is the identity of the person who found the mine. Donnelly Harp of the Black Bullet. He's the son of an elder and when we killed they got angry and started attacking us leading to retaliation and the start of the war."

I could not help but laugh inwardly How could a Red Emerald mine not be the cause of the war. It's value was much more greater than an elders son. For a 'ruthless' gang such as the black bullet they would not be controlled by emotions of an elder. So it was most likely a war of greed. The Black Bullet Gang was just ashamed to admit to their greed.

"Where is this Red Emerald mine located at." I said.

Axel was quick to reply as he said. "It is located at Americk Strreet. Which is also the true battlefield as slaughter is the only thing there."

Hearing this I could help but tense. I knew my Aura of intimidation would work on those not much powerful than me however I was not willing to bet it on the leadership of the gangs.My next step was knowledge I could not ask Axel or it would be weird so I could only say the least most suspicious thing.

"Do you know of any libraries around here?" I asked.

Seeing that I was glaring at him Axel was quick to reply despite the weirdness of the question.

"There's one a few streets away from here."

Looking at the direction he was pointing at I immediately felt the urge to go but looking back at Axel and the dozen or so Bloody Scorpion Gang members I did not know what do about them.