May The Best Man Win

"Anthon.. " As Jim mentioned his name, he was instantly reverted to his senses.

"Yes, doc! " He stared back at him, trying to establish himself as a dignified man worthy to fight equally with him. Sadly, the fight was for a woman...

Jim replied him with a gentle laugh.

"Please call me, Jim. No need of formalities. After all, we are all knitted together by one person." Jim said as he looked down on Jia whom he pulled closely by his shoulder.

Jia sat up straight, sensing a danger coming on. Something she was just clueless of.

"Jim.. "Anthon repeated his name, devoid of any expression in his face.

"Back then," Jim began, his face shifted into a serious aura, "Jia, unexpectedly came into my life."

Jia stiffened. Her heart suddenly beat erratically.

"She was pregnant and was running away from the man who was about to be married to someone else."

Giselle's eyes suddenly turned sharp. Anthon just listened, his eyes were far away.