No Way I Could Win

"May the best man win.. " This statement caught everyone dumbfounded. Jia stared at him in disbelief!

"Jim! What's going on in your head? I just could not understand you!"

Jia was furious then. She just could not understand how Jim humiliated himself. Tears of frustrations were now running down her face. Though their table was on the front row, if she would make her voice loud, they could be noticed by the crowd. All she wanted was to yell all she could, if not for the scene she would be creating if she would. She was already shaking.

She stood up and wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him out to the door. They appeared sweet in the eyes of many, but only they could tell how harsh she already was.

"Hey, where are you two going?" Kuya Nap shouted, Jian was clinging on his side

"On a date! " She yelled back, getting the attention of the few among the crowd. They laughed, thinking it was so sweet of him.