The Rescuer

Jim hurriedly approached and helped him to get up. Despite his anger, the inner beauty of his heart shone out in this critical moment. He was still the good and obedient son who never took grudges before this happened. His heart still had those rooms for forgiveness. No matter how wicked he was, he was still gripped with pity and love for his father.

However, when he pulled him gently to help him in standing up, his left arm and leg suddenly lose its strength. He groaned and tried to yell but his words were slurred and incomprehensible. Dr. Jim's heart suddenly hammered... When he lifted his head up to glance at him, he immediately saw the assymetry of his face. His other cheek drooped down. In his effort to speak out, his saliva drooled.

Unexpectedly, he was having a cerebrovascular accident or "stroke" in a layman's term...