All About Hailey

"After Hailey left, I was already resigning to a decision that I would be closing my heart to anyone. When I learned about the arrangement, I did not want Jia to undergo this same ordeal I have gone through. At least, with me, you will be treated well. You would be the only one in my life and that you wouldn't have to fight the battle of rivalry. Only that there was Hailey whom I thought I would never get over with..."

"Dr. Aijohn, if you don't mind, who is Hailey? Is she the one in your paintings at home? " Jia asked out of overwhelming curiosity.

To look back, she had stolen the keys of his room and had invaded his privacy just to get a lead to his rescuer through that oil painting. She couldn't believe she would see Dr. Grace.

Dr. Aijohn nodded. "She was my wife but she was reported to have died after that accident in the forest three years ago. But her body was not found until now. "