The Wedding 3

Seeing the logo in the uniforms of the food server, the guests promptly concluded that the food must have come from the menu list of the Weekend Specials.

"This one is last month's special dish. "

"And this one is last week's.. "

"This one is new... and this is from the other month's.. "

The restaurant's manager who happened to hear them, excitedly took the chance to generate a higher sale for her own promotion.

"It's all Chef Anthon's special dishes. To try it again next time, you may inquire ahead what's for the week's special dish for Weekend Specials. You can also make a separate order for special occasions like this. Look, Chef Anthon is there, the one with the baby! "

The word spread like a lightning and everyone looked at Anthon.

"Is he the chef? Wow, he's so handsome! "

"But I heard him being called out awhile ago that he's an engineer. "

"Yes, he is the developer of this subdivision, Jian's Garden and the developer of this site, Jian's Paradise.