In The Name Of Love

Very early in the morning, the group departed from the city towards Oslob, a town in the south of Cebu for the whale shark watching. They were using only one van since they need more catching up with each other's lives since Casey had just been with them. And because they decided that it was more fun to be together.

Mr. Wayne sat beside the driver's seat. Next to them was the couple, Casey and Kuya Nap.

At the back, were Anthon, Jian, Giselle and the helper.

Since, it was still very early and they had been all exhausted from the wedding preparation, all were sleepy and silence dominated in the trip. Jim was enclosing Jia with his arm while Jianna was safely tucked around her through a carrier.

Jian, who always clung around Anthon whenever he's around, was sleeping soundly in his arms.