Sharing The Same Room

Back at the resort, while Jia placed Jianna in her playpen after feeding, Jim handed her a small kit. Inside, were antiseptics, topical ointment, adhesives and small packs of gauze. There were also oral pain relievers.

"What will I do with these? "She asked as she opened the kit to check the contents.

"Give that to your bestfriend." He casually replied.

"Ah, yes...Why do I forget about it! " She said remorsefully.

He smiled. "You're just tired. " Jim said as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Do you know what number is her room? " She asked while grabbing simultaneously the phone at the bedside table to ask the receptionist. It was Casey who did the booking.

"Their room is next to ours. " Jim answered.

Their room? Did it mean that she and Anthon were sharing the same room? That statement was like a shock wave to her ear.

"I thought it's Anthon's room. " She said, trying to hide her emotion.