I Can't Wait

"Jiaaaaaaaa, where's you brain! "

She covered her face with both of her hands and squealed into it at the top of her lungs. How could she ever face him? Even if he was clueless of the reason why she was crying, who could ever tell her transparency in his eyes? How could she ever overcome from shame if he would speculate that the reason of her miseries was him and her forbidden jealousy?

Thanks to her dumbness! She wouldn't have the nerve to face him anymore in their breakfast later and in the rest of their activities.

She stood up and began walking by the shoreline. But everytime her thoughts overwhelmed her, she would wriggle and run. If only

she would count how many times she walked around the resort's premises, she would know that the distance she covered would already be from where she was and up to the city!

Damn it, Jia! How could you be so absent - minded? You're digging your own grave of guilt and shame....