Why should I teach you?

Jean: Yo!

when he opened his eyes he noticed some energy scattering around his body, but for the others it was really big, except for Jasmine since she was at Divine Master realm, and would consider this power level as nothing, but the fact that Jean meditated only for 1 week to obtain this strange power that was different from normal Profound Qi, for her it was as if she seen a True God and can't help to mutter

Jasmine: wow... what is that power?!

Jean heard her and told her that it was KI, about it's origins, capabilities and when he got towards the method of training...

Jasmine: so it means that it isn't even a bucket of water in the ocean for you?!

Jean: well, yeah, it seems that i still got a really big part of that power sealed in me... how's Retard out there?

Jasmine got out of her shock and started to get a bit worried

Jasmine: he is training by resisting a waterfall and soaking himself with Demon Skull Vine

Jean: oh so he is still the retard of before… and i hoped he became a bit more intelligent, why he is doing that?

Jasmine: he said that he should train more than others for reaching the sovereign realm because no one in the Blue Wind Empire

Jean: wow... he is really stupid... only because no one reached it in this country it doesn't mean no one did, otherwise how can people know about that realm... and then i think there are other benefits for the Evil God's Profound Veins other than the seven gates right?

Jasmine was surprised from his way of thinking and confirmed

Jasmine: yes, when the Profound Veins were created the Evil God released some seeds that would make the host of those Veins immune to the elements that the seeds corresponds to

Jean: and why didn't you said it to him?

Jasmine: because... i forgot...

then she got embarassed and before muttering another apology she got another pat in her head from Jean who smiled again making Jasmine's heart beating fast but after his answer...

Jean: don't worry, it will be funny seeing the Retard suffer for a while, just make sure you tell him later, otherwise we will stay here for a long while

Yun Che: I heard you Jean! and what did she need to tell me?

Jean: shut the fuck up and go training!

...Jasmine was staring at him with dead eyes before asking him

Jasmine: you really like seeing him in pain don't you?

Jean: well, it's my only source of entertainment and i can't do nothing to someone cute as you

Jasmine just nodded before leaving from the sky poison pearl with a flustered face and thinking

Jasmine: 'he called me cute! he called me cute! he called me cute!...' and was repeating that until she remembers another thing and got back to the pearl

Jean: what's the matter?

Jasmine was looking to another way with a red face

Jasmine: could you create some clothes? including... underwear... outerwear, shoes and hair ribbon, please?

Jean smiled at her and snapped his fingers and a set of clothes appeared, there was a completely crimson dress with some decorations here and there, a new pair of pink shoes with short heels, white underwear, a black jacket, a ribbon with a fake jasmine attacked on it and a changing room near the clothes

Jasmine got an excited face before taking the things and changing inside the room just created, when she got out Jean got hypnotized for a moment before shacking his head and repeating in his mind...

Jean: 'I am not a pedophile... I am not a pedophile...'

after a moment he calmed down and told her with a smile

Jean: those clothes suits you

Jasmine got again a blush at her face and thanked him before leaving from the pearl leaving Jean alone, he looked to the sky to see the situation outside

[after four months]

Jasmine was now 14 years, she had her birthday 2 weeks ago, and was sure that she fell in love at first sight with Jean, but he still sees her as a little girl, so she is thinking if make him see her as a woman somehow or waiting until she gets big, Yun Che started to tremble every time he was going to sleep, because...

[flashback, 4 months ago/dreamscapes]

Yun Che was walking in a black world, there was nothing around him except for an armchair and Jean over it with his new phone playing something, then he raised his head and noticed Yun Che some meters away from him, Jean paused his game and stood up

Jean: finaly you came, Retard

Yun Che: why you are in my dreamscape?

Jean: well, i am going to train you so you can get better, with my methods...

Yun Che shivered at his tone but then he got a serious face

Yun Che: then why not in the sky poison pearl?

Jean started laughing madly and told him with a dark tone

Jean: because here will not be many side effects, now DODGE!

Yun Che: wait what si- *SPLAT* *GASP*

Yun Che woke up abruptly and started to breathing heavily, he seen it was morning and asked Jean

Yun Che: what did you do?

Jean: since we were a dream i hit you with a little fraction of my speed and strength, you died,


Jean: so i could train your reflexes, i can't have you weak now can i? since Jasmine isn't the only one who wants a body

Yun Che got surprised from him and asked

Yun Che: you want a body? and should i need the same things i need for Jasmine?

then he started hearing Jean laughing as if mocking him again, Yun Che got angry and the asked Jean to stop and what are the things he should pick, he actually pucked blood when he heard only one request of the things he wanted

Jean: first of all i need a Divine Beast's soul or his core, then i need at least 18 petals from the Nine Petals Cycle Flower, an Infinity Stone and a terrain where there is a special type of Qi, that it's not present in this continent...

Yun Che heard of the Nine Petals Cycle Flower but it was seen only once, it was said that someone eaten one of it's petals and his cultivation skyrocketed from elemental profound realm to the sovereign profound realm in a moment, but he died from the sheer power the petal contained, then it was not heard anymore about that, about Divine Beasts he doesn't even know if they existed in this world and his third request was really strange, while his last one was vague, but he still accepted and said that if he could get them he could try.

then he heard from Jean something he never dreamed he would listen to...

Jean: well, thank you, Yun Che...

Yun Che: You actually said my name?!

Jean: yes Retard, i said it, problems?

Yun Che sighed and started training


Jean opened a bit more the door, now he has a monstrous quantity of KI compared of before, Jasmine was scared about his limit while Yun Che was jealous about the speed rate he was getting stronger

then suddenly when Yun Che finished training again 5 strong people were coming towards the mountain range

Jean: 'it should be starting now...'