Natsu can go Fuck himself, here is a real Dragon Slayer!

while Yun Che was going towards the mountain range Jean was still thinking about the requirements that he needs for his body...

[flashback/the first day Jean entered the body]

everyone was sleeping, Yun Che included, he was thinking about what he would do and how much God is a son of a bitch until a note spawned from the nothing, Jean didn't do nothing so he was suspicious, he took the note and read it

"Dear Jean

I am sorry about forgetting something like this but i am busy with other dipshits like you(Jean: go to hell…), so i will make it short, here are the ingredients to recreate a body only for you, even if it will be weaker than your current one for a certain period so your soul can adapt the new body and make changes, the ingredients are:

1) Divine Beast's Soul or Core

2) 18 Petals from the Nine Petals Cycle Flower

3) Infinity Stone

4) a really monstruous quantity of refined and Divine Profound Qi

About the infinity stone, the universe is bigger than only the Primal Chaos Dimension, but you are lucky that there is an infinity stone inside, you just need to find that, good luck and bye!

From God

PS: i put you in Yun Che only for fun"

Jean: *sigh* at least he helped me... but he still is a son of a bitch…


Jean: 'well, i hope this Retard will really help me...' Hey Retard, should i put a soundtrack?

Yun Che: what is a soundtrack?

Jean: *sigh* think about it like background music, here is one... *plays: Absolute Power-Dragon Ball Super* do you like it?

Yun Che hesitated a bit before answering with a nod

Yun Che: but i don't want that, it will deconcentrate me...

Jean: tsk... *stop music* here...

Then Yun Che got past some warning signs whose advised him to leave as soon as possible

Jean: and here he is becoming more retard again...

Jasmine: is he always like this?

Jean: yep... I still don't believe how he got alive after fucking over his entire clan...

Jasmine just shrugged and watched Yun Che while giving some glances at Jean, until she seen her brother in Jean and got scared that Jean could die for a moment before remembering how he handled her first attack like it was nothing and that his power is still increasing so she stopped worring

Yun Che got to his destination and got a reaction from the evil god's seed that is inside the cave of the dragon in the mountain range, then after a moment of hesitation he used again his star concealing grass and became invisible again and entered the cave while the other five cultivators were fighting the dragon that came from the cave, Yun Che was still getting more inside until he found the place where the dragon rests, he was searching in a corner until the raging dragon came back and found Yun Che searching inside his home and gathering things that were growing in, the he said to the human before attacking

Dragon: Presumptuous human, to actually lust after this king's treasure! Prepare to suffer this king's wrath!

Yun Che: 'SHIT!!'

then Jasmine got out from the sky poison pearl and gazed menacingly at the dragon

Jasmine: Since you want to die… This princess shall gran your wish!

when Jasmine finished her speech she released her profound energy towards the dragon who scared the dragon and rushed towards at her thinking it was fake

then suddenly Jean's voice can be heard

Jean: Hey Retard, let me come in! otherwise she will die later!

Yun Che didn't want to see Jasmine suffer and accepted immediately, when he did so his eyes started change to a glowing azure with slits, just like Jean's

*for better experience insert Bleach Ost-Relevation until the end of the scene*

The moment this change was made the dragon and Jasmine stopped theirselves and the dragon immediately looked at the intruder in a different light, his instincts were screaming him to leave right away, his bones were shaking, he felt a perverse pressure coming out from this little human, it was too strong and strange for the dragon to know what it was, so in that moment he was forced in a Fight or Flight situation, he decided to attack in pure desperation while Jasmine came towards his back knowing what would happen

But Jean, with a cold face, extended his palm and called out just a really little part of his Ki and shot it forward, while creating a small ki barrier around him and Jasmine, the results were devastating... the dragon disappeared together with the cave, the cultivators who wanted to return back and making a trap just pissed themselves when they seen a mushroom cloud rising in the sky and ran away

when the smoke disappeared there was only Jean and Jasmine behind still with his arm forward and a cold gaze, then he picked the Evil God's seed and observed it for a bit before calling out with a smile

Jean: 'Hey Retard, everything is done, you can come out'

then they changed body again while Jasmine was still shocked that Jean got against the dragon instead of letting her but decided to talk later to him and told Yun Che to eat the seed to get stronger before getting inside the sky poison pearl.

Jasmine: Jean... why didn't you let me going against the dragon while i was out?