
"Do we need to do this?" Auron asked a big burly man in front of him. "Why? Are you afraid?" The man answered.

"Ha... ha... ha... Darius, can't you see the Two Worlds' player ranking? It has been eight years since you are ranked no. 2. Do you think I, ranked no. 1, will afraid of you? There will be a big update next week, and I want to spend this week peacefully. But, since you want to do this, then let's get it on".

Darius smirked and handed a contract to Auron. "Then, you just need to sign this contract with Two Worlds' god as the witness."

Auron read the contract and started. "Darius, are you insane?!". The deal was about a one vs. one duel between Auron and Darius in front of their guildmate today at 8 pm. What make Auron started was the loser had to disband their guild and permanently deleted their character.

It had been ten years since Two Worlds was released. To this date, almost 95% population in the world plays this game. Two Worlds became a useful advertisement tool for many companies. By advertising in Two Worlds, It would boost their company's sales by over 50%. There was even some company which claimed they made an 80% increase in sales. Of course, if they invested in the correct place, they could achieve an 80% increase. And, Heaven, the number one guild, with Auron, the no. 1 ranked player, as their guild leader would be more attractive for these companies.

"Ha... ha... ha... For eight years, my Character, Raging Bull, always ranked behind yours, God Of Sword, and this also happens to Red Storm, my guild. For eight years, I am always behind you. If I lose this battle, then I don't need to play these games anymore," Darius laughed.

"Both of us already have maxed character, and next week the level cap will be double up to lv 1000. We will have to start over again to achieve a maxed level. Even if you lose this battle, you can still raise your level and rechallenge me. Don't you realize how hard for us to achieve lv 500?" Auron tried to persuade.

Darius looked calm and smiled. "Enough with the talk, do you dare or not?". Auron wanted to spend a week before a big update peacefully. However, he can't imagine what will happen to his and Heaven's honor, if he declined this bet. Auron gritted his teeth and signed the contract, "Fine! If you want to delete your character, let us do this tonight at 8 pm at the arena". Darius smirked evilly and parted ways with Auron.

Soon, news about a bet between ranked no. 1 and no. 2 become a big event for all Two Worlds' user. Forum's discussion started to boom. Many predictions about who going to win with some reason and speculation flew around. Haters from both sides began to mock each other. Even some broadcasting companies started to empty their 8 pm schedule to live broadcast the duel.


Heaven's guild mansion.

A female with a white robe elegantly walked to Auron's office. She was Cold Candle, Heaven's vice guild leader. She joined the guild since four years ago and actively doing guild activity. She also was a new vice guild leader since the last vice guild leader was expelled due to corruption and intended to dethrone Auron. With high contribution to the guild and an easy-going character, she became vice guild leader since two months ago. Cold Candle contributed the most in collecting proof about the previous vice guild leader's suspicious behavior. Due to these reasons, she unanimously wins the voting to become the next guild vice leader.

"Guild leader, do we need to do this? I think there is something suspicious with Raging Bull's behavior," Cold Candle asked.

"Yeah, I also have the same opinion with you. I have known Raging Bull for eight years, even if he is brave, but he isn't someone who brave enough to bet something this big without 100% confidence. I feel suspicious, but I can't figure it out," Auron answered. "But, well, I don't need to think about this. For eight years, I always beat him. Both of us have a maxed character, what makes us different is our skills and our equipment. Even if he can raise his skill to my level, his equipment still behind me; I don't think he can found legendary rated item".

In Two Worlds, there were different grades for items, from lowest to highest, common, uncommon, rare, epic, king, and legendary. Players could identify these items by their name's color, white, green, blue, purple, orange, and yellow. To these dates, there are few king grade items and none of the legendary grade items. There were some rumors which said, a legendary grade item could make a level 100 character fight on par with level 500 character. These could represent how overpowered and how hard to get a legendary rated item.

"Correct, if Darius gets a legendary rated item, with our big intelligence network, we should get the hang of it. But just in case, you should still be careful," Cold Candle advised him.

"I will. Help me to prepare everything for tonight's duel. Investigate all of Darius' recent activity, get all information about his teammate and his sponsor. We still need to find out what makes him so confident," Auron commanded. "Oh, also, have you compile information for the next update? When I win this duel, we still need to prepare for the next update, and I don't want to get behind from other big guilds because of this event."

"Relax, here is the information for the next update, we need to pay attention to several things. I think you should focus on your upcoming duel. You don't want to tarnish your guild reputation, right?" Cold Candle handed over a pile of the document containing information about the next update. When she was prepared to leave the room, she brought out some items out of her inventory and put it on the floor. "Our guild's expedition team has come back from worlds' expedition, and here are the spoil for you. You needed to distribute it to our guild member. Maybe there are some useful items that you can use for the upcoming duel. I see there is a good potion which can temporally increase your strength".

"Thank you, I will sort it out," Auron answered.