New Update

Just as its names, Two worlds, comprises of two worlds, Gaia and Regalia. Each person could only make one character, and they would always start as a citizen of Gaia. Because of this, Gaia comprised of 90% player and 10% NPC. On the other hand, Regalia comprise 100% NPC. So, many people said that Two Worlds was a game between players versus NPC.

Inside the game, There were two types of expedition, the guild's expedition, and the world's expedition. The latter would give better rewards, but it was more dangerous than the previous, and only the world's supreme ruler could issue this type of expedition. The expedition team's needed to go to another world and finished an expedition quest. The quest could be destroying other's world city, snatching resource, even killing other world royal families.

This time, Heaven, sent one of their elites' team to the expedition. Fortunately, they got a rather easy quest with a low chance of death, and Cold Candle had brought all the reward they got for Auron to distribute it.

Auron walked over to the pile of items and started to sort it out.

[Abyssal's Dagger] (King grade equipment)

Type: Dagger

Requirement: 70 Strength, 86 Agility

Class: Swordsman, Thief, Merchant, Mage

Attack: 232 - 532

Strength + 15

Agility + 10

Effect: no effect

"This is a bad king grade equipment. There are some good epic grade equipment better than this king grade. Forget it. I can still give it to Roan," Auron thought. After sorting everything out, Auron got one king grade equipment, 12 epic grade equipment, 30 rare grade equipment, and many miscellaneous items which include, potion, alchemy ingredients, forging ingredients, and many more.

[Giant's Strength Potion] (Epic Item)

Type: Potion

Class: All Class

Effect: Increase 30% all attribute for 30 seconds

"I think this is the potion Cold Candle mentioned before. What a wonderful potion. With this potion, I can trounce Raging Bull. I will use this potion in duel to give more security," Auron thought. After distributing all the items to the expedition team, the undistributed item stored in the guild's warehouse, and members could exchange it with the guild's contribution point.

Auron sat back on his chair and started to read a pile of documents about the new update. "Cold Candle really can be trusted. She even suggests further action."

New Update Key Point:

- Maximal Character level doubled to lv 1000

- Skill level Capped increased to 70

- New Item grade: Mythical (Gold colored). Item will be rated above Legendary with a 0.1% drop rate through the World's Expedition and 0.05% through the Guild's Expedition or hunting.

- Legendary rated item drop rate increase to 1% through the World's Expedition and 0.5% through guild expedition or hunting.

- Kingdom military opened to Player: Player can now join the world's military and get contribution through war with enemy from Regalia. The player will start from soldier rank and needs to get more contribution points to occupy a higher position. The player can also exchange contribution points with items. With a more top spot, players also can get more benefits, even meeting the king. Restriction: The player can only solely serve the kingdom and can't join another player's guild.

- Noble Title: The player needs nobility points to upgrade their noble title. Players can earn nobility points through a quest given by royalty members or prominent army members.

- Guild now can be measured by Nobility point: Theguild's nobility point will be count based on all active member Nobility points added. More guild's nobility point, more benefit the guild can get. For example, exchanging items with royal family treasure rooms, request to issued the world's expedition, getting more slots for the World's Expedition, and many more.

- NPC level adjusted accordingly.



We can forget about Kingdom military since we are in a guild. Instead, we should focus on obtaining a Noble Title. I think the royal family treasure room will have a legendary rated item, maybe even a mythical rated item. We should form an elite group to farming noble quest. From what I see, there is no update about new hunting grounds, which means above level 500, we can only depend on quests, expedition, and kill other world's troops. Next step,..."

"This damn company, there's still no player that has legendary rated items, yet they already add mythical rated items," Auron cursed. "Based on the suggestion from Cold Candle, it looks like we need to hold an audition to form a new elite group. Let me think it over later."

Suddenly, the door to Auron's office opened. A fat man wearing a white robe ran into the room. While panting, he said, "Auron! Why you accept such an insane bet?".

This fat man named Roan was Auron's best friend. They were classmates since they were in school. At age 15, when Two Worlds first launched, they started to play together. Roan played as a merchant while Auron choose swordsman. One year later, both of them founded Heaven. Both of them dedicated all of their time to develop Heaven.

As time pass by, Roan slowly rose, which made him fell behind other guild's members. To avoid becoming a burden for Auron. Roan decided to move to Heaven's first branch guild and helped the main guild in terms of funds. With Roan talent in trade and financing, Heaven's first branch became the no. 1 source of funds for the main guild. Unfortunately, to help the guild fund, Roan has to keep moving around between the city and ignored hunting, which was why, until today, he still level 432. He said, "There is always something to be sacrificed." Although Roan was okay with his condition, Auron still felt guilty, which was why sometimes he provides some high graded equipment and item to Roan. Because of this, many main guild members looked down on Roan, but they kept it inside their hearts since Roan was their guild leader's best friend and one of Heaven's founders.

"Brother, I also don't want to do this, but Raging Bull keeps pushing me. I can't harm our guild's honor. I have to do this," Auron said with a warm tone.

"Bu... but I still feel it is not okay to do this, what if you lose? You have worked hard for ten years." Tear started to fill Roan eyes "I can't imagine if you lose, what will happen to me?"

"Relax, I know Raging Bull seems suspicious, but he can't beat me. Although he has a hidden card, I also have my hidden cards." Auron smiled.