Devil's Nest (1)

Lieutenant Kajo and his troops arrived at the military base. When they arrived, it was already dark. Lieutenant Kajo dismissed the soldiers, including the sergeants, and went to report the mission.

"Okay, we have heard and noted your report. Thank you for your hard work!" The military staff who tasked for reporting said.

Lieutenant Kajo wanted to go out and visited Sergeant Kali. However, before he could do that, the staff called him over, "Lieutenant, please visit the main building tomorrow at 8 in the morning. There will be a hearing."

Lieutenant Kajo stopped his walk and sighed. Then, he looked over to the staff and said, "Okay."

The staff didn't say any details about the hearing or the reason for the hearing. However, Lieutenant Kajo already knew why. There could only be one reason, Sergeant Kali's injuries.