Devil's Nest (2)

"We all set then." The leader concluded.

"Do you have any business? If not, we will get going." The leader asked Auron.

Auron shook his head. "Let us get going!" The leader stood up, followed by the other members.

After that, Auron was invited to the party, and they all went to the teleportation gate. Not long after, Auron's party arrived in front of their destination, the Devil's Nest.

There were eight members inside the party, including Auron. Their party consisted of two swordsmen, one clerics, two archers, two mages, and surprisingly, a merchant. Moreover, the merchant was the glasses party's leader.

"Are you all ready?" The leader asked the group's members.

All of them nodded, including Auron. With the members' confirmation, the party's leader opened the dungeon. Then, all of the members vanished from in front of the dungeon.