First Spy's Assignment (1)

Auron was a little bit frustrated by the people uninterested behavior. However, General Aston calmed Auron down and brought him to a small room.

Inside the building, there were several small rooms used for many things. It could be used for a meeting to sort out overlapped evidence. Or, it could be used to hand out a spy mission like Auron right now.

However, before General Aston handed out the mission. He explained several rules about how these spy things work. General Aston and Auron entered the room.

"Let me explain how our spies work. First, of course, you have to keep your identity and our secret hidden. Second, you can use any necessary means to get to your goal. However, keep in mind, don't do anything mean to someone who you unsure of their involvement. In short, don't do anything mean to innocent people."