First Spy's Assignment (2)

"Why do you want to join this job?" A man asked.

"Currently, I am unemployed, and I need money. Then, I saw the flier for this job and the pay was good. So, I applied for this job." A man with a long scar on his cheek answered the question.

The interviewer frowned, then he followed up with another question, "Do you have any experience in this kind of job?"

"Yes, once, I have been a guard for a noble's son party." The man with the scar then explained his duty.

Then, the interviewer asked several more questions in which the man with scar answered confidently.

"Well, then. You have passed the interview process. You can go to the next test. In truth, we don't really need a mage, but who knows if the leader changed his mind. Here, take the proof for passing the interview! Next!" The interviewer handed a paper with passed stamp and called out for the next applicant.