Second Stage (6)

Auron was caught off guard. The body blow hit him hard. He was blown away and crashed on the ground.

Blood seeped out from his mouth. This was the first time since he fought against the mannequin that he received such damage. 

Auron was shocked because of this situation. He was confused about whether the mannequin deliberately trapped him, or this just was purely his mistake.

However, he could not think about that for too long. The mannequin didn't give him any time. It already dashed towards Auron. 

Auron raised his sword. He didn't want to repeat the same mistake twice. However, when he raised his sword, he felt an acute pain in his ribs. Auron gritted his teeth and held the pain.

Bang... Auron pushed back by the mannequin's sheer power. He used his chance to stand up and moved away. While he ran away, he held the pain in his ribs.

The mannequin didn't let Auron got away. It already chased Auron as soon as it saw Auron stood up.