Second Stage (7)

However, Auron had come to this. He had to take the risk. He couldn't prolong the battle anymore.

With the mannequin's speed increased, he could not have any chance to drink health potion anymore. So, prolonging this battle would only do harm to him.

Auron gritted his teeth and used [Sloth]. Then, he raised his sword and took the initiative to attack. 

The mannequin also had the same idea as Auron. It charged towards Auron, ignoring the slowed speed.

Auron had a low level [Sloth]. So, the [Sloth]'s duration would not be that long. That was why Auron had to reduce the mannequin's health as many as possible during the [Sloth] still in effect.

Auron brandished his sword. However, the mannequin blocked it quickly. Of course, he knew that this innocent attack would not hit the mannequin. But, he still had to do it since he felt the initiative was important.