Summoning Portal (1)

Auron opened his eyes. Just like the notification had said previously, he had arrived at the central ruin. The main ruin was where Auron saw the crystal previously.

Auron arrived at the main ruin, and it was different from what he had remembered previously. The place had changed.

A green and beautiful scenery became horrible. The grass and plant withered. No more butterflies were flying around. Besides that, the lake had been dried up. The blue sky also had turned dark.

Auron frowned, looking at the scenery around him. The difference was so huge that he felt he was in the wrong place.

Auron wanted to see the item that he got from killing the mannequin three times. However, he didn't have the luxury to do that. Around him, there were already many soldiers and players.

Auron was not the first one that finished the second stage. The players and soldiers around them had already fought against the enemy.