Negotiation (2)

"Wait... Wait... Wait...!!" The man cried out loud. He begged Smite not to kill him.

"Calm down. I bet they want to make some negotiation." The man tried to calm Smite down. However, Smite didn't care and kept on pointing his weapon towards the man's head.

The two people rushed towards Smite. However, they stopped when they were five meters from Smite. These two people were from the Sparrow Family.

"See?" The man said towards Smite. However, Smite didn't respond to the man's statement.

"Release that man at once!!!" One of the two people brazenly commanded Smite.

Smite didn't react towards the command. Instead, it was the nobleman who was furious and shouted back towards the first man.

"You stupid!!! Can't you ask more gently?" The nobleman rebuked the man harshly. He was afraid that Smite was offended and decided to kill him.