Negotiation Broke

"Quick! Pack everything up. Bring that thing there!" The representative from the Sparrow Family started to take command.

The soldiers started to look at each other. They didn't want to do the command. However, they were afraid of the family's wrath. Hence, they stopped their activities and looked at the commander.

"What are you doing? You stupid bring those things. We don't have much time." The Sparrow Family's representatives hurried all of the soldiers.

"Hey! What are you doing?" The vice commander started to take action. They could not let this family do what they wanted.

"Just stand there! Do you dare to offend the Sparrow Family's orders?" The Sparrow Family's representatives threatened the vice commanders.

The vice commanders didn't want to fight against these people. However, he could not let these people rob all of the things here.

"What are you doing? Hurry, bring the things! Will you take the responsibility if the young master died?"