Merging the three energies in her dantian.

As she gathers the three energies in her dantian she notices that her ki has changed from pearl white color into dark blue color, Dark yellow color and just plain darkness. I guess this phenommena has something to do with my affinity she muses for herself. During this period she sees that the ki lake gets colder and colder into blue color, while the lightning attribute turns into lightning storm inside her dantian. What about my darkness attribute what will that do inside my dantian? She draws the darkness into her ki pool. Even weirder phenomena happens the darkness attribute sucks in some of ki pool and becomes like a dark sun without heat, you can't even call it a sun more like a black hole that wants to devour everything it sees.

She takes a few steps backwards and calms her breathing and takes a deep look at her dantian. So my ki lake has become frosty, It hasn't frozen but if I look close enough I can see ice crystals forming inisde the ki lake, while the lightning strikes against the ki pool, while the black hole as I call it just devours the ki.

Seems to me they are all absorbing my ki to activate my attributes to be able to be used in the future. But does that not mean I will have no ki in my lake? she frowns when thinking of this. She slowly starts to absorb more pure ki into her ki lake. The three energies absorbs even more ki from the ki lake. I have to feed them untill they get satisfied it seems. She sighs and shakes her head gently. they are like small babies wanting their milk. It kinda looks beautiful when I think about it.

During the period she has absorbed the energi her outward apperance changed. Her skin color becomes more pale but healthy pale, her skin gets smooth like silk. After many hours her lightning storm, ice crystals and the black hole stops absorbing the ki from the lake and she wakes up from her meditation.