A world Inside your dantian.

So how does it look inside your dantians? Asks Blue night. Inside mine I got a thunderstorm, a black hole as I call it, and ice crystals in my ki lake. I really find the ki inside our dantians to be fascinating, there is like a world inside us that resonates with our affinites.

I never thought cultivating would bring about such a change inside us. Not only that but my ki has one thing in common, and that is the darkness attribute it has merged with both of my attributes, lightning became dark lightning while ice became dark ice, while the darkness attribute remains the way it is.

Can you explain this phenomena Blue night?

Blue night has a puzzled look on her face, and tries to think of some words to say. "I believe I never heard of such a change inside anyone before it is normal to merge two or more attributes together but not this early. can it be you have a special connection with darkness attribute?"

"Not many people really choose it since many finds that attribute to be sinister and evil, maybe you have a bloodline that has an innate attribute like darkness?"

Lilly sighs and shakes her head. "I do not know, maybe I can ask my dad what this phenomena is? Either that or maybe I should keep quiet and not mention this to anyone?"

"If you do not get any answers from your dad then I must agree with you. We do not want anyone to become suspicious about you, and start thinking you are the bringer of end times. Blue night says with a half serious face and half joking face."

Lilly giggles hearing her statement. "Lilly the bringer of end times, it does a tone to it but I can't help imagining myself as evil. In my eyes that would be never happen."

"Heed my warning Lilly no one knows what will happen to us in the future. I used to have a friend a long time ago she was gentle as water flows in a river, but after witnessing the ugliest sides of people she went mad and became a totally different person. The more gentle and kind you are the worse you will end up if your life really takes 180 degree turn. Some will lose themselves to madness, while some changes completely and are able to keep themselves from going mad. "

"Those who are able to pull themselves somewhat back never becomes the gentle version they once we're. so heed my warning, do not lose yourself the way she did!"

Lilly gulps and becomes slightly pale listening to Blue nights warning but slowly nods.

"I will heed your warning and be careful says Lilly."

"Now let me hear how your dantian looks like." says Blue night and looks at Rose.

"My ki lake is red and warm, almost like it is about to boil over but it is a very comfortable feeling, my wind attribute is like a cooler. It gently blows like breeze. " Says Rose.

"Now the two of you have reached the first step, for each step your dantian will evolve, take Lilly for an example inside her ki lake, there are Ice crystals, waiting to freeze her ki lake into a frozen lake, while the lightning will hammer at the frozen lake to gather ki, and the black hole as Lilly calls it, will suck the late for ki by devouring it's ki. Once she is able to completely freeze her ki, she will be able to reach the second stage and that is to gather enough ki to transform the small lake into a river."

"From river to small ocean, into a middle ocean, and finally a large ocean. each stage needs to get transformed. once she freezes the large ocean it will become a ice plain, with lightning hammering at the ice plain, while the black hole serves as the sun absorbing the ki."

"While for you your plane will become a molten plane, with the wind serving as a cooler. a world surrounded by fire and wind. You can think of your dantians as a world, once you completed the stages a world inside you gets born out of your attributes. if you get strong enough you can even create life inside your plane. those will not be as intelligent as us but their use are mostly used to bring life inside your dantian. "

"After creating life forms inside your plane you can then condense a mini world also known as a pocket world were you can live inside and even make your own heritage. Maybe one day that world grows and you can create trials for people. that has to fight to the top to gain your heritage."

"All that is too far in the future no need to think of all that just yet. that is only one way to make a world, but no need for me to talk more about that since you will naturally learn all of this in the future. The only thing you two need to know is each stage requires your ki lake, ki river, and ki ocean needs to be condensed into your own major attribute. once the lake gets larger and is about to become a river, you need freeze the lake and naturally new ki will overflow into a river and devour your frozen lake, this will happen naturally. but the larger your lake is the better foundation you have."

"The best thing to do is force yourself to gather as much ki to breaking point we're you can barely hold on before you break threw and then condense it before breaking threw. then your ki lake will shatter and be absorbed by your new ki river and naturally change into your attributes color. Then you repeat the first step."

"That is also why having more attributes makes it harder to break threw. like Lilly not only does she need to freeze her lake she also needs to grow her lightning storm to cover her whole lake, while her black hole needs to become even larger and move away from the lake. becoming the sun or the moon of her world."