Chapter 18 Final Reward

Seeing her awestruck face he felt giddy with joy 'o this is what it feels like to be a star, I can't wait!'

. . . . .

Sunday after 2:00 pm

They had just finished doing his daily piano practice. So far Theo had opened up all his rewards except one

[A Better Mask]

Theo has seen that most of his rewards from Friday led to him being injured. So This time he has put some precautions for himself, by sitting on his bed before accepting the possible in pending doom, that might befall on him.

Theo had been thinking of the possible traits that the mask will have. One of them being the ability from the Green Mask movie, which gave the wearer the ability to basically alter his image and abilities as he wants (Green Mask Jim Carrey)

Another was that it would become a prison for his face. Like the villain from G.I Joe where he was forced to wear a mask that was burned into his flesh so that it doesn't come off. (Referring to the movie, I'm not sure what happens in the comics and show so please forgive me for my ignorance)

After scaring himself with his own imagination, he recollected his thoughts and understood that the system would never give him an ability that could trouble for gods.

Theo uses to not believe in the so-called God's but he also knows that he only has the system because of an all-powerful being that most likely took pity in his sorry existence so that led to him believing in a God/God's.

The second was shaken off as something impossible and dumb. Stare at the reward his body shook with fear and excitement as the thought of all the life-threatening and life-changing it could possess.

With a strong determination, he accepted it. Looking at the mask that led on his covers he inspects it as carefully as he did with the pen.

In the end, it was just a plain white mask that covered the whole face, a simple mask that could be bought from any party shop.

Poking it with his finger, expecting it to ask for data transfer and yet nothing happened. No sudden notification or physical pain he felt absolutely nothing.

Finally picking it up with both hands he slowly brings it closer to his face. When the mask made contact with his skin, a small electric shock passed through his face, it was all most like shock therapy but for the face.

After a few seconds of shock therapy, the mask seemed become liquid, during this it readjusted its self to fit his head shape and nose, making sure that it wasn't too tight or too loose.

*Ding*[A Better Mask will now pear it's self to the system]

*Ding*[Thank you for your cooperation, Mask data is shown on the system]

Going into the system he found that the masks information had been updated.

[A Better Mask]

•A holographic interface that connects to the wearer social media so that the host can see the live chat without a computer or phone.

•Transform the mask into two different masks that the user can imagine this includes the material.

Closing his eyes he imagined his perfect mask, going with a simple full face mask, changing the material to that of Kevlar and a thin coating of solid stainless steel over the top to make it shine when the light hits it.

For colours he decided to go with a shiny white, a navy blue outline around the eyes and a weird but oddly satisfy orange flares randomly placed around. He decided to make it so that the bottom half can come off, just for convenience. Adding the final touches.

*Ding* [The mask will now bond to the host face and being]

"You've gotta be kidding me"

With those words, he felt the same electric shock but more intense than previously and the mask turned into molten lava as it burns its way through his flesh and cells.

Although this was considerably painfully it was no way near to the pain of every bone in his body breaking, so he pushed himself too stay awake.

Sweat dripping from all over, he gave a horrible scream.

[Congratulations the A Better Mask has bonded with you]

"Wait? what? Why"

[Stop being so scared, the mask can come off so stop with your bitching]

"Huh? so why did it bond with me"

[The reward system was supposed to give you the option to bond with you but it seems to skip it]

"What did I do to piss him/she off *sigh* whatever"

Looking at the time he had 30 minutes before his appointed time with Megan. After seeing the time, he noticed that he had soaked his clothes and bedding in sweat. Changing the bedding and taking a shower he made his way to the Library.