Chapter 30 Little Neighbour




*Ding*[>Congratulation you landed on "Skill", please spin again to gain a skill>]

The roulette changed to one that was just filled with question marks but then I saw one part that had the almighty skill creation. The system will most likely not give me such an Op skill but allow me to make my own skill.

Feeling my blood rushing I spin the roulette with all I had.





Fuck another skill added to the useless(Other) category. Still got two more spins.




*Ding*[>Congratulation you landed on "Unlocked", spin again to see how many tokens you can get<]

What the fuck most of them say 1 and rest only go up to 10, fuck it, let's just spin it.


*Ding* [>Congratulations you got 2 tokens<]

Fuck it was so close to 5 but just little short, okay one last spin.




Landing on "points" and not waiting for the system, he spun it straight away out of frustrations.



*Ding* [>Congratulation you won 160 points<]

That's surprisingly good, now let's take a look at what I can buy from the shop.

[Skills] [Stuff]

So I can buy skills, so how expensive is the lowest priced skill.

[Shop: Skill]

•Walking: 170 points

•Running: 280 points

•Breathing: 370 points

•Serene Mind: 450 points

•Basic Combat: 700 Points

• Engineering: 800 points


How come I don't have the walking and running skill yet, I do that shit every day.

System: [Idiot, you didn't gain skill for it because you didn't find interest in it and so you didn't try to improve it, also do you actually think that skills from the shop are the same as your half-assed skills]

So interest and improvement are what makes a skill, fuck I really am an idiot. Okay moving on what type of stuff can I buy.

[Shop: Stuff]

•Calming Handkerchief: 5 points

•Beloved Cookie recipe: 5 points

•Energy Bar recipe: 10 points

•Perfect Brownie recipe: 15 points

•Ultra safe condom×5: 20 points

•Great Camera: 50 points

•Great mic: 55 points

• Memory Pill 60 points

•Unlock Token 300 points


Well shit, that price jump from 60 to 300 is stupidly huge and why the condom. How many points do I have now?

[Points: 185]

so let's see what do I need, hmm I'll need a memory pill, Great Camera. That's about it hmm these as well, calming handkerchief, beloved cookie, energy bar, and brownie recipe, now I have 40 points left.

If my intuition is right there should be something special about them.

[Memory pill: After consumption, the user will have five minutes to remember certain parts of the user's memory]

[Great Camera: Greater than present cameras in all aspects]

[Calming Handkerchief: Used to wipe away tears and calm a sad person. Also capable of changing colour to suit the host's needs. Self-cleaning and drying. Note: Preferably used on women ; ) ]

I'm gonna pretend that I didn't see the creepy note.

[Beloved Cookie Recipe: This should be treasured and not shared freely]

[Energy Bar Recipe: A fruity recipe that can energise the body for 3 hours not stackable]

[Perfect Brownie Recipe: A recipe that would bring anyone that smells it to their knees. Healthy]

Well, I've never made anything sweet, maybe I should make a batch to celebrate or better yet a feast. As I was thinking of what to make I hear Megan's voice from downstairs.

Megan: "Hey Theo come down and cook, I'm hungry"

At the sound of her voice, I got up and went downstairs towards the kitchen to see grocery bags littered everywhere. I was shocked and asked "When did you go shopping"

Megan looked at me with pride "Don't underestimate a hungry woman"

Theo: "Weird flex but okay"

Megan: "I hate you"

I laughed and went through the shopping bags. Luckily Megan seemed to have bought everything from fruits, veggies, meat and some other stuff for baking.

Whilst thinking of what to cook I hear Megan shout again "What are you cooking"

To which I replied "I was thinking of a nice cheeseburger with chips(French fries) and a meat feast pizza"

Megan: "For real I've never seen you eat junk food"

Theo: "hahaha I was in the middle of fixing my health and you can't call it junk food because I'm still gonna try to make it healthy"

Megan: "Well okay you've never made anything disgusting so I'll trust you"

Theo: "Also I'll be making a tray of brownies and cookies for later"

Megan: "Okay, call me if you need help"

Theo: "Yeah sure"

. . . . . . . . . . .

Third pov

They had just finished cooking and was now putting the cookie and brownies in the oven. seeing as everything was done he put it on a small round dining table and shouted: "Megan foods ready!"

Megan: "coming"

The sound of fully grown women running from one end of the house to the other could be heard throughout the house.

Megan looked at the table with drool slipping out of her lips. The table had two large plates and one slightly smaller plate in the middle, one is a large chicken and bacon pizza, the other being plate filled with cute little cheese and lettuce burgers with a toothpick going through it from the top and the last one was a plate golden brown chips.

It looked a junk food heaven. Then she noticed two cups with straws filled with a thick orangy liquid and asked "What's type of juice is that"

Theo: "Oh that, it's an orange and banana smoothie with vanilla extract"

Megan: "Sound nice I can't wait to try it"

They were about to dig in when Theo began to hear a quiet knocking.

Theo: "Did you hear that"

Megan was still in mesmerized by the food "Sorry what did you say"

Then the sound of a quite knocking sounded again. *knock, knock, knock*

Theo got up and said "I'm gonna go answer the door, could you wait for me for a bit"

Megan: "Yeah sure but be quick, I'm really hungry"

Walking up to the door he saw a short figure behind the blurry glass. He opened the door and looked down to see a blond ponytail little girl, who looks about 4-5 years old, wearing a puffy pink princess dress and holding her stomach.

Her face was at a ridicules levels of cute with her small nose, a light blush on her chubby cheeks, clear blue eyes and baby smooth white skin.

Making sure that he's not intimidating her by standing over her, Theo got down on one knee and looked at her with a soft smile and said "Hi are you lost"

The little girl looked at Theo with a cute smile and said "Hi I'm Emily Jones, I'm 4, I live next door with mum, what's your name"

Theo was taken back but still replied "Hi Emily it's nice to meet you, I'm Theodore Smith 18 years old and I live with my friend Megan" saying so he instinctively puts out his hand for a handshake. Emily gladly shakes his big hand with her small hands.

Theo: "Well Emily did you want to tell me something"

Emily nodded very quickly "I'm hungry"

Theo: "Well go to your mom and I'm sure she'll cook you something"

Emily shook her head "No I want to eat your food" and proceed to point at Theo's face.

Theo was surprised by her courage and said "Hows about this I go with you to your house and invite you and your mum to eat"

Emily nodded with an excited look on her face "Yay I get to have pizza and burgers"

Theo: "Huh? I didn't tell you what I made"

Emily ignorantly answered "I saw it with my telescope when I was playing pirate"

Her blunt answer caught him off guard, then he saw Emily eagerly grab his hand and said "Come on let's get mom I really want a baby burger"

Turning around he shouted, "Megan don't eat I'm gonna go invite our neighbour!"

Megan: "Fine, Hurry up I'm starving!"

Theo then looked back at the carefree Emily who was pulling his hand and laughed lightly.