Chapter 44 Montage

Chloe, Emily and everyone watching unknowingly sang the chorus with him. They listened to every word that came out of his mouth and sang the chorus every time it came around. It came to the ending and they all sang with him one last time.

"Let it go

The cold never bothered me anyway

Let it go, let it go

And I'll rise like the break of dawn

Let it go, let it go

That perfect girl is gone

Here I stand in the light of day

Let the storm rage on"

As the song ends Theo makes all the ripped up paper that's in his inventory to appear in the air and fall slowly to indicate the end of the performance like a curtain does.

Emily and Chloe began to spin within the falling paper with wide smiles and laughter. Everyone looked at their cute reaction with a smile.

The paper finally stopped and Emily ran up to Theo and asked "Hey big brother can you do Olaf" (Snowman)

They replied with the voice of Olaf "So what did the two princesses think of my movie"

Chloe and Emily giggled happily and said at the same time "It was amazing"

Theo turned back to the camera and said "although my voice acting doesn't prove everything I can always post the image and record a video on how I made it"


SisterSam: Nope I believe you

Jesus-no1: I see no lies in your words

DopeTurd: I want to see the video

. . . . etc

Theo: "Hows about this I'll release a small montage of the whole process of me making it, I have to warn you though, it's gonna be boring as hell"

"Always_Sammy donated $200: Just tell me when your gonna stream Frozen again!"

Theo: "Ah, yeah sorry, I forgot to say that you can find the whole movie on my YouTube channel Angel Toon's, I'll also post a few cartoon shows on it in the future"


Devil_Maria: I'm never gonna get sick of it

CatKatrina7: Olaf 4 life

BirdLove: Frozen Best movie of the year???

SisterSam: I can't believe it's free

. . . . etc

"Always_Sammy donated $300: so what are you gonna post on your 'Theo Smith' channel"

Theo: "I still have a few songs that I want to sing, oh also I'll be dropping a montage of my transformation"

Since the beginning of his first workout, Theo's been taking pictures of himself after his workout for the reason of a montage.

After his words, the females in the chat had gone completely crazy with love. What they don't know is that Theo's transformation is outright abnormal and the first image might cause them to fear him.

Without noticing Emily had sat next to him with her moms(Rose) phone presenting it to his face with the YouTube search bar on it "Big Brother can you put in Angel Toon's"

Chloe saw this and quickly jumped up in her mother's(Sophia) arms and asked: "Mom, YouTube, Angel Toon's, please!"

Rose, Sophia, Megan and Theo laughed at their eager attitude. While laughing Theo and Sophia searched up the Angel Toons channel subscribed and gave it back to Chloe and Emily.

The two girls happily picked the phones and ran to a separate chair to watch it together. Theo turned back to the camera and said "Well thank you for joining me today on watching my first animation and thank you to all the donators"

Before he had the chance to stop the stream a donation came flying.

"RichRedHead donated $6000: Hold up, how much of the money are you keeping this time"

Everyone had forgotten about his foolish but unselfish heart but now that someone had brought it up, they couldn't forget it.

Rose: "Okay tell us how much is going away this time but before that tell us how much you earned"

Theo: "I made $804,016. I'll be giving away $800,000"

And once again money could be heard being flushed away. Sophia on the side was looking at Theo like he was a saint, her fan love for him had upgrade to that of worship.

Theo: "Well it's been good guys, thank you for your support and I hope you have a lovely evening"

With the stream done Sophia and Rose notice that it was close to eight and said their goodbyes, while their daughters watch Frozen on their phones.