Mary's Friend

Mary, Theodore and the kids left the zoo and walked for ten minutes before reaching a quite small town called Solvang. This town is where Mary was somewhat living in.

During 10 minute journey, Mary had opened up more on her story. Mary was born in a single-parent household with her mother and elder brother.

Mary's family had it rough as the meant to be a father had committed suicide shortly after her birth and had left the family a debt of $50,000.

The dept was from the father's attempts in starting a business which was made up of multiple bank loans and when banks began to turn his request for a loan down he turned to loan sharks hoping that it be the big break.

Her mother worked day and night trying to pay it off eventually it was too much for her body as she lost her life from the built-up stress and exhaustion.

Her brother Max at the time was 16. Max understood his mother's struggles and had made some dodgy friends that let him into a gang.

This evidently led him to make money but it also corrupted him into becoming nothing more than criminal who was sentenced to 3 years at the Juvenile Detention Centre for grand theft auto.

At the young age of 14 years old, Mary was forced out of her home and was taken in by her not so friendly Uncle and Aunty. Her Uncle Doug and Aunt Vicky were a terrible alcoholics with regular violent outbursts.

Mary would spend most of her time in her room which she would lock regularly as to not get caught up in their fights. When things we're quite she would sneak her way downstairs to have a meal.

A secret not many knew apart from herself was that she school genius. She kept quiet as she knew that once her mother knew she would work even harder so that she might go to a good College/University.

When she was dropped into her Aunt and Uncles she was no longer going to school as her guardians used the money for their addictions.

Mary still didn't want to be left behind when she finally lives a normal life so she would go to the local library and study hard.

A year past and she had become tired up with the abuse and neglect. She had thoughts of reporting them but chose to run away as she feared that same treatment would happen at the orphanage.

Mary wasn't delusional even though her thinking maybe irrational or even excessive but still, her struggles have made her that.

She took as many warm clothes as possible while also finding an old sleeping bag in the cupboard and took some from her Uncle and Aunts wallets.

So the first thing she did was take a bus going anywhere that was not the place that held so much of her pain. That's when she stumbled upon Solvang a small town just outside Los Angeles.

Currently, they were walking through the town taking pictures of the Elizabethan house with its brown beamers that framed the usually white walls which were now warm colours. Almost every little shop and the house was a different colour.

The town felt warm and welcoming to tourist. Waking a few more blocks with Mary giving them a tour they finally reached their destination.

Walking into a forest park they walked for five minutes before finding a camping site that had river a beautiful lake nearby with two tents and a fireplace in between.

Along the river, you could see a similar set up with tape wrapped around trees and sticks dividing the areas.

With the kid's legs tired Theo had them sat in his arms.

"What is this?" asked Theo in a startled tone

"Huh? this is one of the rare sites that allow the homeless to live" Said Mary happily

"But isn't this a public park what about the rubbish," Said Theo

"Well, all the people who live here. Appreciate the kindness so we make sure to clean up after ourselves" Said, Mary

"Is that guy wearing a suit?" Said Theo while looking at a man come out of a tent wearing a grey suit

"Oh, that's Steven. You see some of us just couldn't afford the housing prices but still go to work. You are expected to leave once you are financially stable but even with a job, it's still relatively hard. I myself work as a waiter as I don't have any real credentials. It's not that bad the council have been a great help with giving us a portable toilet and the river works well as place to wash up and they even made a set private shower" Said Mary

"This is amazing I've never heard seen any of this," Said Theo

"Well, actually someplace lend out a parking lot for specifically for those who live in their cars. It's not well known but the homeless people's have been getting a lot of help but it's mostly dependent on the location" Said Mary

"How did you find this?" Said Theo while still admiring the area

"I didn't it was my friend," Mary said walking towards a tent and shaking it before continuing "Grace, wake up it's already 3 in the afternoon"

A low grown was heard followed by the slow rustle of the moment and a loud yawn "Haha, 3 pm you woke me up early"

*Zzzzzip* Sound of the tent zip being open

Out from the opening was two frail and wrinkly hands that pushed the zipped door back to reveal an old lady that had short platinum hair. Rosy cheeks, wrinkled skin with brown eyes filled with charm a youthful twinkle.

"Oooh, who's this. Did you finally take my advice and find yourself a rich boy" Said The old lady poking Mary's sides

"Grace! This is Theo and he came to help us move" Said Mary while seating the Grace's hands

"Moving?" Said Grace with a confused expression

"I won a house and $200,000," Said Mary quietly

"WHAT!? $200,000," Shouted Grace while tumbling out of the tent

"Shush" Said Mary while putting her finger on her lips

"Haha Mary and Grandma are funny" Laughed Emily while commenting

"Hehe silly," Giggled Chloe

"So much cuteness," said Grace as she stands up pinches their cheeks

"Big brother hElp," Said, Emily

"Owwie" Said Chloe

Theo gave an awkward laugh and said "please be gentle I preferably don't want to get beaten from their mom's"

"Sorry, Theo. Grace is kinder easily distracted and explosive" said Mary

'Even though she looks about 50 to 60 she clearly has the energy of a toddler' Thought Theo before feeling a sudden headache

"Ouch," Said Theo while holding his forehead

"You were thinking of something rude!" Said Grace in an annoyed tone after flicking his forhead

"Hahaha of course not. Ahem Right hello I'm Theo Smith, this here Emily Jones and Chloe Brown" Said, Theo with an awkward laugh

'Geez women are scary no matter the age' Thought Theo

"Nice to meet ya, I'm Grace Smith," Said Grace with a welcoming smile

"Now what's this talk about a house and money," Said Grace as she sat down on a deck chair.

Theo, Mary and the kids sat close by on a thick log. Mary gave a brief overview of what had happened before Grace gave a hearty laugh

"Haha, I told you that you had an amazing voice. But to think they tried pulled a fast one on my Mary. Thanks, kid for watching out for Mary" Said Grace while slapping Theo's thighs


'What the fuck, this old lady's strength is ridiculous. Sure I don't have Iron skin activated as it might hurt her but still, my body should be able to bare a slap' Thought Theo with his lips slightly switching

"Okay, before we leave we need to freshen up. We'll be going to a fairly nice and rich neighbourhood so get the nice stuff out" said Grace as she washes her face in the river water

"Yes Ma'am," Said Mary joyfully

It took a few minutes before they got ready to leave. Mary washed up and had her past messy hair become temporary smooth from the shower.

Mary was wearing a white buttoned shirt with a black cardigan. On her lower half was a red and blue plaid skirt with black flats. Even though she was 16 she gave off a mature vibe.

Grace was frail-looking yet wore a yellow floral summer dress that added to the youthful aura came off from her. On her feet, we're white sandals.

'These two odd but good people' Thought Theo with a smile

They walked back to the zoo, got their bike back and called a taxi. It was then 20-minute ride to Mary and Graces new home and the beginning of their new life.