Orange Hero


What'd happened?

I missed my first day of school because some girl decided to steal my clothes, and now there's a duel between students?

Luckily today I didn't go to school late unlike yesterday, which was a horrible day for me.

Oh yeah, by the way, I've taken my aptitude test and was put into the Warrior Division.

I manages to get one of the empty seats and watch the duel.

The battle is between two students named Yaritsuke and Mari Marigold.

Marigold, as in THE Marigolds?

I heard that they are one of the families that specialize in magic, a family of mage, you could say.

They have a close relation to the Scarlets, a king family line.

To get into a fight with a Marigold, he'd better be prepared.

And as I keep watching the battle, the more excited I feel.


This is a true battle!

A battle between the mages!

And to my surprise, the guy manages to actually win.

But...isn't that last attack a bit overkill?

And I couldn't see what he did to the blonde girl but she suddenly ran away.

I guess that just happened.

After the battle was over, as everyone is slowly dismiss, a familiar face catches my eyes.

...There you are, clothes thief.

She's wearing my clothes, as expected.

Her eyes and mine briefly meet one another.


She's running.

I won't let you get away!


After that battle, I look up to find the girls.

There's Hildagea, but I can't find Lilith.

Ah, there she is.


Something's wrong here.

I decide to follow her.

I have a bad feeling about this.



I'm currently chasing the thief.

I don't have any grudge against her, but I need to know why she stole my clothes.


She tripped.

And thanks to that, I manages to catch up with her.

To be honest, she's quite the runner.

She looks at me with a scared expression.

I feel bad, but I want to know what her motives are.

But as I reach my hand out to her, my arm grabs by someone.

I turn my back to see a person.

Hey...Isn't he one of the students that just had a duel?

"What do you want with him?"

He asks me with an angry face.


She manages to fool someone into thinking she's a boy?

"Ah... Yaritsuke...This person is the one...I stole my clothes from..."

The pink hair speaks up behind me.

His expression changes to that of an annoyed person, not directed to me, but to the person behind me.


"I'm sorry for the trouble this idiot here has caused for you."

I can't believe her.

That reminds me, I still haven't asked her why she decided to go into this school, due to me being occupied with the duel.

I'll take this oppotunity to ask her.

"Ah... It's ok. It's not like I mind it. Still, why did you even steal my clothes in the first place? "

"...Etou...I've always wanted to go to a place called "school". My teacher told me many great things about it, like there are many friends you can make, things you can learn and much more."


So she's just like me, in a sense.

But unlike me, she doesn't come here by obligation, but her own interest.

"Still, it's not like I have forgiven you yet."


"...What do you want?"

I can tell that he has ulterior motives.

"Fight me in a duel."

"...I declined."

"No, not you. Her."

"Eh?", Lilith lets out a yelp.


"I've heard that you managed to defeat a student in mere seconds. I want to check if that rumor is real."

"Um...Then...I accept. To be honest, after seeing Yaritsuke's fight, I want to have a duel too."

Well then.

If she accepts it, then I have no objection. It's her decision after all.


"What's the condition?"

There must be more to this.

"...Condition? I don't really have one, but...How about this? If you win me, then I'll forgive you for what you have done to me, and I'll give you that uniform. But if I win, then..."

I can see that he's looking intensely at Lilith.


Lilith put her hands over her body, her face turns a bright red.

Er...I don't really understand why she reacted like that.

"...Just kidding. I'm not that kind of person. If I win, I'm not going to ask for anything. I'll also forgive you. I don't have any wish beside wanting to fight strong people."


Sounds kind of fishy but he doesn't seem to be a bad person.

"Then when will it start?"

"Erm...Two days later, morning. Is that alright?"

"Um. Let's have a good fight then, err..."

"Hiiro. Hiiro Cameton."

He introduces himself, his orange hair flutters as he speaks.

"I'm Lilith...os."

The two of them proceed to shake hands.

After that, we go back to our room to prepare for the next lesson.

I'm interested to see how Lilith fight, because I've not seen her fight, only through what Hildagea told me.