Chapter 1: Lu Tong!

(A/N: () – Usually denotes further explanation from myself.

[] – Denotes characters' inner thoughts

"" – Speech.

<>- will be used for System interface)



I woke suddenly with great difficulty, my every thought in high definition. My eyes take in every ray of light and without a doubt I knew I wasn't in the Alleyway anymore judging from the lake and surrounding trees.

Though my eyes are open I can't think of why; my heart is pounding, mind empty. It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into my carotid. I strain to sit up as my breathing rate was beginning to steady.

A Notification message kept blaring on the lower left of my view like I was in Arcania.

Even My vision slowly got Blurry but what I saw next almost Scared me to death.

Although I can say I had never been good with gore, I can't say I wasn't Bothered either.

All around me was littered with corpses and there was an untold number of people all with life threatening injuries. Every face was marked with red splatter and limbs lay at unnatural angles in the soft morning light.

As soon as my eyes became more focused, a piercing pain that cut across my mind over and over like a reverbating drum, causing me a splitting headache.

I remember heading home after signing a 9 million dollar contract with Corani business group to act as there representative in the EA sports tournament. and I was supposed to be in game with my friends later in the evening to complete the deal by giving them an exclusive video of us Seiging the Thoran Orc in the Xolkan region.

Unfortunately, I was attacked on my way back by My best friend no less!...I even thought I was Dead...

But what kind of situation is this...

The morning skies looked like it was Bleeding and an eerie wind circled the air, series of mourning and grunting were filled the air. From the way their bodies are littered, they seemed to have been protecting something or someone.

Scanning the surrounding, I soon found that within the sparse grass, a corpse laid there with a red looking vial in his hand.

"ugh... A health potion?" I managed to say as I was surprised but none the less struggled to get to it.

I left a bloody trail while making my way to the potion, My body Hurts like hell. As soon as I picked up the vial, a new notification popped up.

[As I thought, I seem to be logged into the game] I thought as I drank the potion in a haste.


Fighting the feeling of throwing up proved rather unsuccessful as I coughed up black blood. But after that I could pretty much move normally again with the potion still in effect.




[As I thought, it worked...but if I'm in the game, how can I taste this?. well for now lets see if there are any clues or survivors, perhaps I can understand what is going on] while going by this thought, I looked through my fellow victims but soon saw the surrounding in a much more clearer view.

It looked like An Army Camp, with several war tents lying about. wooden fences and sentry posts just before the small river bank.

"You!... Y... " A voice sounded from behind startling me a bit but I quickly ran to him and helped him sit up.

It was a middle aged man with long Brown hair, he had his right hand completely cut off, regardless of his Armor. There was an insignia of a deer on his plate Armor!.

[House of Lú!] The picture came to my mind immediately.

This was a strong Noble House in the game that was described as virtuous in the game lore but was seen as vicious among the player circle. Although in decline, they still Had a say in the running of the Empire. They always portrayed themselves in the side of the righteous, twisting truths for lies and lies for truth.

And the reason for the decline was the death of the Most talented son during a skirmish, As the Role of the patriarch fell on the other Son, Lu Yao. Although the game had started with Lu Yao already in sit, There was a Quest about finding Lu Tong, the illegitimate Child of the old patriarch who seemed to have survived the same skirmish and reporting it to the House.

While I was processing the now gotten information a voice broke through my thoughts "L... Lu... Lu Tong...Check if the Young master is Alive..."


The middle aged man just said something that got me confused, [Did he just call me Lu Tong?! ]

"Lu Tong... quickly...take this, feed it to the young Master...There's no hope for me anymore" He urged while handing me a potion.

after nodding my head, I took it from him in a daze as I scanned the surrounding before Noticing a Body that seemed to be in a much farther location than the rest, It had a much fancier silver armor on it.

[this person must have had a grudge!!! ] This was the only thought that came to mind after seeing this.

An Arrow was lodged in his Throat and his head was smashed in by something Blunt.

Making my way back to the middle aged man, I found out that he was already dead.

"haa...Kukuku" I sighed, Only to end up in a coughing fit. After some deliberation, I took the second potion while succeeding in stopping the urge to throw up.

I found my way to the river edge to satisfy my Thirst Bar. I walked to the part that wasn't tainted by Gore and blood, The water was cold and refreshing, so I filled the water sac that had been hanging on my waist. Looking into water, I finally saw my reflection.

Long Black hair, Sickly pale skin which I probably got from being mistreated in the family House, I could be considered handsome if the former Owner of this Body had been able to take care of himself. But even so, the straight Brows and thin lips made it seem like I was always focused.

[What is the meaning of this?... I was shot on my way home by Roger, then I cursed him when I said I will get vengeance even if I became a ghost. then in despair I wished I had another chance, only to wake up here] Thinking this made me Frown before I looked at my hands once more, [Now I'm in the game, not as my character but in an NPC that supposedly went missing before the game even Launched?!...I need to find a way to tell what day and time this is, I can't possibly have gone back in time! ]

[I wonder what happened to my Body or My sister...]While I thought of this, I decided to check if I could still use the game functions for information, Just to be sure if I could even level up.

"hmm... No log out button, No GM contact center, No Cash shop feature, oh?!!... Status is active ..." Noticing this, I quickly opened my status page.

Name: Lu Tong

Gender: Male

Blood line: Lu / ????

Bloodline grade: Silver

Level: 3

Class: None

Age: 18 and a half years

Skills: None

Profession: None

Title: Bastard(equipped)

Hp: 90/125

Mp: 300/300

Hunger: 53%

Thirst: 95%

STR:6 WIL:10 AGI:8 SPI:120

BR:5 STA:8 COM: 7 LUCK: 5

"uhm I feared, No skills...does that mean he was pulled out to join this fight without class or skill?and why is the spirit so high at level 3, his Luck sure is good" I mumbled with a hint of dry sarcasm.

"huff... How badly you must have been treated, this Lu tong guy must have been a push over! He c... " I continued to complain till I heard Voices from the other side of the river.


"What is wrong with the Captain, leaving all this good equipment for dead bodies...tsk tsk tsk" A skinny looking Man in leather armor spoke loudly without any care to his companions who in turn, laughed in agreement.

The enemy forces were hidden by the bushes, while I was out in the open so of course I was spotted first!.

"WHAT???... a Survivor?!...come on Boys get him, this is a Chance to make Captain look bad! Hahaha" The skinny Man yelled out.

It's not like I'll wait to be Surrounded on all fronts, luckily they need to first cross the river with the Boat on their.

[Sh!t... This Bastards are from 'The Chu Palace'.]

This Group were known for their ruthlessness and their ways of doing anything for a gold coin, so of course my first reaction was to curse in my mind.

It was a delightful surprise to find that I did not die, But why did I do I have to meet this people. with creased brows, I ran into the woods.

Even though I'm not a pro-gamer, I could be called an experienced veteran, So I understand that I'm in a serious mess.

Making my way through the forest, I followed the direction with denser vegetation.

[Come to think of it, According to the Lore... This happened a year in game time before the official release date. Which was the launch of the Civil Wars, where several Noble houses and officials, tore out of the Empire to build up their own kingdoms. That was used in Explaining why Lord Class players could start their kingdoms etc] I continued to go through the information I remember but was once again cut off by the distant shouts of my pursuers.




[sh!t! why is this body so weak!, ah! I miss my character already!...if I didn't have to rest every few seconds...]I thought as I urged on. [I'll have to end them somehow, at least that way I'll confirm if I can even level up at all.

Once I thought to this point, I could not help but feel waves of depression. [If only I was on my character, This fools are nothing more than ants!.]

[There shouldn't be any problems finding something like that in the battlefield. Why is this place so dark...?]

I soon spotted a Tree and subconsciously prepared to climb up, but I noticed a thick branch on the floor in the shape of a Club.

[I could use this. ]I began making different calculations in my mind as I grabbed it before struggling to climb the tree. That's what you get when you have 6 strength.

Not long after climbing the tree, I could hear footsteps approaching from the direction I came. judging from the body size, I could tell he was young but the big kind of young, he looked Like a high school athlete if Only he wasn't in leather armor or holding a Sharp looking machete.

Looking at the machete, A cold dread immediately washed over my spine. I held my breath as I began to think that as an NPC, I can really Die. To me, this wasn't a game anymore, This was now my reality.

My breaths were slowly becoming rapid gasps and the youth soon spotted me as his pupils widened in shock. My forehead was full of perspiration as I gathered courage with a shout and jumped off the tree while swinging downward.


"Y.. yo" He suddenly tried to call for help, instead of defending himself.


the event happened in a matter of seconds. The Youth's Neck got twisted in an odd angle.


After that A mild light swept over me and I was now level 4.

In the game, you're supposed to be level 5 to choose from the main Classes. that's why someone was probably suppressing Lu Tong within the House.

With this thought, memories were poured into my mind, It was like a leak in a Dam. scenes of Lu Yao bullying or knocking me down, trying to show me my place. It seems like his mother, who was the First wife in the Lu family household had told him that Lu Tong was born with a maid.

My mind was a mess.

[I understand that I was reincarnated to another world!but could you all spare me from the drama?!]

My soul crossed over to this game world, onto a dead person called Lu Tong!.

I held onto the club tightly till my knuckles were a little numb and continued to tremble. I looked at my own hands. it was pale, not knowing if it was from the bloodless or from the fact that I had just killed a living person, I could only laugh bitterly.

In the end, he gave a long sigh and calmed down after a respite.

[Forget it, I just have to build up my character again since there's no way I can change things.]