Chapter 2: On to the Next

When his mind had ceased it's unproductive buzz, he was able to start thinking of a way out of this mess. If he ran the Chu men will catch him in a matter of minutes because of how weak his body was, if he stayed he was as good as dead, so he had only two options; up or down. Down means burial in leaf litter but he didn't have time to dig a depression to conceal his bulk, so up is faster. So his dilated pupils scanned for the best tree, it has to be tall, lots of branches to climb and enough leaves left from this encroaching autumn to give me some cover. My options are fairly limited but I pick a mature Beech. The rough bark scuffs at his skin but these crude pursuers don't have science or dogs. All they have are blackish blood red uniforms and clumsy feet that announced how little time he had left. They were closing in from all angles now. His heart thuds more loudly than he wished it would, but he kept reminding himself that this drum is only beating in his own ears. Those Chu Scouts below are clueless of his location. When their net closes and the woods are empty about them they howled and gnashed when they noticed their brother's twisted neck...

"Ah!...Fourth Brother Was killed!!" A short Man yelled in indignation.

"He dares!... " another one chimed while gritting his teeth.

Counting the Number of pursuers, They were Six including the Dead one.

"He even took fourth Brother's Machete!... spread out and find this Bastard!" The skinny Man ordered and the rest went into action.

[tch... Common level 15 Npcs are giving me problems!, Only one who should be a problem is the Lvl 20 elite. ] Lu Tong thought.

as they moved out The Elite remained behind for some reason as his Black pupils scanned the scene once More and He raised his boney right hand with flaming embers forming at the tips of his fingers.

"I Don't mind smoking you out!" The flaming fireball left the wizards hand and Struck the beech tree.


The explosion had most likely incurred the attention of the others. this fool doesn't mind causing a Forest fire.

Lu Tong Quickly jumped off the falling tree and landed unto the next available branch.



"Ah!" Lu Tong unconsciously shrieked as he almost lost balance.

The Mage immediately turned back and aimed another fire ball at him while muttering low chants, "Found you... eat this Bastard!"



Lu Tong refused to stand still as he struggled from one tree to another.

The sounds of swords flourishingly echoed out from behind as the Chu men drew out their swords and gave chase together.

Lu Tong had already dashed towards the hill in the distance as he planned to use that location to get some advantage. flames flickered in the distance behind them as the forest began burning fast and this made him feel goosebumps crawling all over his skin.

[I could have been killed...just like that ] He thought.

He was not a veteran Character with hundreds of levels any longer, and he presently had little to nothing to survive with. He could only braced himself as to what would come next.

Once this guy's caught up with him, he would most likely become dead meat.

[Fuck! They're fast! How in heavens name did the original Lu Tong even survive?] Lu Tong continued to complain about his predicament. what he didn't know was that the original had peacefully allowed himself to be taken and was eventually sold out as a slave.

His lungs felt like they were burning, but he still managed to reach the base of the Hill before the Chu Scouts caught up. Before he could even relax, multiple fireballs came flying his way.

Fortunately he was able to dodge in time until one came to close for comfort as it struck the floor next to him and sent him flying by over a two meter distance.


"Ah!" an embarrassing scream left his mouth as he unintentionally rolled after his fall, The machete he held in a tight grip had grazed the side of his face, causing it to bleed.

<-21 hp>

"This is just too much!" Lu Tong heart raced as his body felt heavy. Although he knew that at the top of the hill was an even much thicker vegetation, he was sure that he would have a good chance to beat this careless Mage or at least the only solution he could think of.

[Won't be long now?...based on his level, His mana would soon be out but then I can only hope that he doesn't have MP Potions] Lu Tong Thought as he finally got to the top.

"Dammit! " The mage panted heavily with his waist bent. he could not help but raise his head to look at Lu Tong with a Hateful glare. He had greatly surprised him with his decisiveness.

"you guys go ahead, Give me a minute, I'll follow behind !" The mage quickly said as he Pulled out a sword. He needed to kill this guy or he would get a heart demon.

The rest Quickly followed up with low grunts, they too were getting exhausted.



[luckily my gambling paid off, and it is even better...the mage stayed behind.]Lu Tong breath a sigh of relief as he watched them approach.

[Regardless, I need to try to think of a way to pull this off . if I can get 2 of them First and get the basic Warrior class, I'd get a boost in strength and stamina.]

The Chu Scouts had arrived up and once again chose to split up and search for clues on the direction he ran in. They would never have thought that he was going to lay ambush.

[Be calm, Be calm... it's just one of those missions you have done, yes, yes it's just one of them... No need to worry] As Lu Tong spotted one of them, he began brain washing himself.

He breathed in deeply to regain his composure. He held the machete so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

soon enough The Sturdy Chu scout violently smash a top a shrub while grumbling about how hungry he was, causing the edges of Lu Tong's mouth to twitch.

Unfortunately, Lu tong hid behind a tree so wide that it'd take 4 able men to hold hands in order to go around it. Lu Tong calmly watched the scout get closer as he quietly went around the tree till he was now watching the scouts back. He performed this series of actions beautifully as he was rather used to playing a thief.

[If I can get a clean hit on his head, level wouldn't matter!] He thought as he approached the scout, Then he swung the machete while activating the attached skill .


Dust flew sharply and hovered everywhere from the impact as the Scout's head went flying and the body spewed Blood everywhere.


"Ugh! !" Lu Tong almost threw up his non existent breakfast but swallowed it back, [This was why I turned off the gore back then, too bad I can't now.]

He approached the body and the only thing worth anything were 3 silver coins and a metal chain.


He then read the instructions,

+ 3 Defense

+ 22 Damage>

Choke: Inflicts Silence on opponent for 1.5 secs cooldown: 2 minutes

Pull: Hook latches onto opponent and pulls them toward user. Success is dependent on the opponents will. Cooldown: 30 seconds

if Cancelled by opponents will stay, Cooldown: 5 minutes.

+ 35 Damage

+2% Chance for critical Damage

Cleaver: Cuts everything in front of you while dealing 100% damage to the victim, cooldown 1 minute.>

[This are both amazing weapons for now] Thought Lu Tong as he moved over in different direction, towards another scout.

Soon he found another, and this one had it's guard up as he scanned his surrounding.

[Sh!t this idiot, just making things hard for me, fine I'll use that caution against you.] Lu Tong cussed inwardly as he picked up a stone and tossed it at the other end of the Scout's view. In response, the scout placed all his focus on the point he heard the sound and approached cautiously while trying not to make a sound.

But he soon witnessed a dark object becoming bigger and bigger in its field of vision, and before he could react, a Machete was buried into his skull.


when he first started the game he had played the Thief path before he continued to advance the class to become a shadow Assassin. Although the path was amazing and all, It didn't help much when things got deeper in the future.

You could only handle small scaled situations, which was one of his long regrets. After all, he was a very ambitious person so how could he settle for small scale and even this time he also has plans to make things difficult for his "friends". So because of the 'Heroic' stats as a player he had to do everything possible to be strong, Strong to the point he could do anything and go anywhere in this world unhindered.

"Fuck!" He cussed as he picked the Warrior path.

Name: Lu Tong

Gender: Male

Blood line: Lu / ????

Bloodline grade: Silver

Level: 5

Class: Warrior(Basic)

Age: 18 and a half years

Skills: Basic Slash(0/100)+

Basic Thrust(0/100)+

Basic Jab(0/100)+

Profession: None

Title: Bastard(equipped)

Hp: 201/201

Mp: 400/400

Hunger: 42%

Thirst: 78%

STR:12 WIL:10 AGI:8 SPI:120

BR:5 STA:10 COM: 7 LUCK: 5

Unassigned stat points: 10

Experience Points(0)

Lu Tong looked at his Status while leaning backwards onto a tree. From now on, he would have to decide what to do with the Experience points but Sadly He didn't have any extra experience to put into the basic skills, once again he was struck by the brutal realization that he was really starting over and this time with his life really on the line without any room for mistakes.

He solemnly pulled out machete and wiped the blood on the dead Scout's clothes.

He surveyed his surroundings but there was simply nothing more that could be used here.

Should I Just give up and Run?

Lu Tong shook his head. He could only gamble on to survive!

He moved forward with gritted teeth, Not too long after, he spotted another victim.

He Charged at the enemy and used the choke skill from the chains to silence him before using Cleaver to Behead another victim.


[I guess all this beheading finally got me something.]He mused as a bitter smile hung on his lips.

As he was mentally musing with himself, he heard a voice behind him. "What!?...How cou..."

Before the Scout could finish his sentence, he used to drag the scout towards him but the skill canceled half way but it was enough. grabbing the Scout's sword arm and Waist belt, and lifted the him upwards with an almost practiced maneuver before he smacking him towards the ground but it turned out to be a bad idea. although this sneak attack allowed him to use every ounce of his strength and The scout was unable to resist when it lost its balance, it still took a toll on his stamina as he could not perform a follow up attack for a second.

Although surprised, he took a step back instead and successfully avoided the Scout's dagger.

He then used a at the scout who immediately rolled away and tried to stand before attempting to retreat.

Lu Tong sent a kick to his knee to disable for a second and then attacked with which resulted in a Critical hit and beheading.


"haa... haa... Haa..." The who series of actions left him panting as he tried to catch his breath. But that didn't seem to be heaven's will as Flames flared up quickly behind him.

"You won't die an easy death!"

It was the Scout leader!. as he heard that, Lu Tong didn't even bother to look behind and dived into a Roll.



Narrowly dodging the fireball, he looked at the pale mage's face as he glared daggers at him. Without wasting time he charged towards the Mage and Quickly closed the distance between them.

Running wasn't an option anymore as he didn't have the stamina to do that at the moment.

 As soon as he got to the Mage, He began to make full use of his basic skills and a few punches and kicks in between. But the not so surprising thing was that the elite mage calmly dodged them while waiting to get Mana and countering.

"With this little skill, you think you can beat me? Humph!! "




He kept getting hit from time to time, Lucky for him this is a Tired mage. One of the beauty of this game was that as long as you know a bit of fighting skills, a mage could fight in the front lines.

As the fight went on, He Noticed The Mage was looking down on him [It's finally off cool down... ]

A sly smile showed up his face and the finally noticed something was off as he quickly yelled but the flames were put off as quickly as it came!.

He was placed on a silent status when Lu Tong immediately used .


<+Black Leather Armor>

<+Basic Fireball Skill book>


He had never felt so tense in his life.


[This feeling is sooo strange—This sense of accomplishment, But I shouldn't let it get to my head as this ones are just small fries.]

His mind thought about this things as he began wondering what to do next. He searched the scout leader's body and found 2 gold coins and 31 silver.

Then he also found a Map which he used to update his Ui Map, Now he knew where he headed.

"Brittle City"