Chapter 4: The Docks

(A/N: Warning ⚠ Info dump ahead... tread carefully...just at the beginning though)

Twirling Rose, 17th May 1804

Lu Tong Sat there for close to 4 hours, he repeatedly used the Eavesdropping skill till he got the information he sort after.

The Location of Domo the Rat. Domo was an NPC known as an informant, He was an elusive Neutral Character in Brittle city that virtually every faction had tried to capture or recruit. If you have a enough gold to spare, You can find anything in This city.

Apparently, He was last seen at the Docks located on the North side of the City. There was a small lake there which players used in leveling up their fishing profession.

Domo's Character is one of the reasons he was a bit hesitant about meeting him but if he was going to find out who this Master Wilbur is, He had to contact him.

[Should be Okay as long as I use the Cloak... ] He thought as he stood up from his Chair. If Domo Finds out his identity, News might spread fast because that Rat worships Gold and Nothing More.

Upon stepping out of the Twirling Rose he headed straight for the Docks with his face hidden in his cloak.

The Main reason he came to Brittle was mainly because the machete quest showed it's location on it's Map. So he wanted to finish it quick and go search for a Spirit Animal that would help in his growth.

In Arcania, There are many ways to get stronger and earn your place, to be known by both players and NPC.

But they can be classified into two Branches Such as personal and External strength. So Focus on building their personal strength while some work on the external. The really powerful people work on Both, Which is what I intend doing.

When it comes to personal strength, The basic way to judge was Level of Character, Stats and skill. Other ways to set your self apart was to upgrade your Class Variation, Bloodline grade, Gear and lastly Spirit animals which tend to be Rare to find not to mention tame.

Meanwhile, External way was Guardians or minions, Army or even personal kingdom, Reputation in NPC cities etc. Some Players Focus on Gathering Guardian NPC's that would serve them while they could decide to act as support behind. This feature turned out to help a lot of life players, To get the other external methods you need to have a certain level of strength to upgrade your bloodline from a commoner to at least a low Class Noble. The Npc had a way of feeling one's bloodline and respond accordingly.

Every Player starts with a silver coloured bloodline which made them only a step below low class Noble blood, Hence they can't be ignored.

Finding at least a Silver grade spirit animal would improve your bloodline hence why Lu Tong chose to find one as soon as he gets to level 20. Level 20 could be seen as leaving the limit of being a mortal.

"Luckily I remember the Location of the Divine Beasts spirit Animals...along with the requirements to contract them" Lu Tong said with a chuckle "It's just unfortunate that one can Only have one Spirit Animal, if not I would have snatched them all"

The Divine Beasts were the Azure Dragon, Phoenix, White Tiger, Turtle Dragon. Each had a specialty and Boosted stats,

Azure Dragon and Phoenix are only compatible with Mage type classes while the Turtle Dragon was the golden dream for every Tank. Although The white Tiger was leaning towards Physical type, it also could be said to deal with Magic.

Number One on the player Ranking was a "Pryomancer" Mage Variant . He had gotten the Phoenix as his spirit beast and could take down an Army in a few spells. The only Time he had suffered a set back was when his guild, "Lost Heaven" attacked the Kagarette Empire and the Empire's Marshall was forced to head into the Battle.

decimated the Army like no man's business until Marshall, a player who had hidden from the Ranking Board finally made his debut. His unparalleled agility along with sword skills destroyed the most of the opposing Army.

With such a situation, was then forced to fight in a death Match, The war somehow stopped to watch the glorious battle which both parties suffered greatly even though the "Pryomancer" lost .

After investigating Crag, He turned out to be a "Hex Blade" which was also a variant of the Warrior path and with the help of the White Tiger spirit Beast in that battle, he was acknowledged as Number two on the Ranking.

Later on , Crag arrogantly exposed that the Beast was a bit of an all rounder as it gave a slight Boost to defense as well as Speed. it also balances out the Physical and Magical Damage. He also stated how he contracted the White Tiger, Obviously comfortable that it was impossible to steal a contracted beast.

[Too bad he didn't imagine someone going back in time to steal it] Lu Tong said as laughed at his own joke. One of the player attraction of Arcania is the excitement of meeting another player in battle with an entirely different skillet and class you don't understand.

You could get an inspiration from this battle and strive to make your class better or help you get the most beautiful or Epic fight you have ever had in your life.

Lu Tong soon sighed under the cloak as he arrived at the Dock Entrance.







At the North Eastern dock, One could already call it a mini Village, Several Canoes and boats sailed into the lake while some were returning, The wooden houses and Huts were lively. Everything was a buzz as different cargoes were being loaded and unloaded but only one person sat at a corner with a blade of grass in his mouth.

If you weren't looking, you wouldn't know he was there. He calmy observed the whole situation with a bored expression on his face. His Dirty blonde hair were all ruffled up due to the light wind and his unkempt beards gave him a manly vibe. This man was known as Jule, He was the middle man that one speaks to before meeting Domo.

Jule sat there and sighed once again, "What am I even doing here... I should go fetch me a Wh!re" he mumbled but soon stared wide eyed as he noticed a cloaked figure leaning on a wooden platform and tossing or flipping a gold coin. This was a gesture of someone who wanted to do business with them, But to be sure of this person's Identity Jule chose to continue observing.





.Lu tong calmly smiled as he had already spotted Jule, and he knew that Jule was only sizing him up so he calmly waited. After about 12 seconds, Jule approached Lu Tong with a professional smile.

"Hello... May I help you?" Jule says while looking at Lu Tong from head to toe. Looking through Jule's status as they exchanged pleasantries.

"Good Day, I'm looking for a Rat" He said with a chuckle, This made Jule's eyes go wide for a split second before changing to a frown.

Age: 34

Level:LV 28

Class: Warrior(Intermediate)

Profession: Assassin

HP: 1500

MP: 645

"I thought you came here for business but I see you are anything but normal, well what else can one expect from a ch.." Jule quickly acted annoyed but was interrupted by Lu Tong's next words.

"Jun lie, let's not stand in ceremony...i don't have all day. I just need information from the Rat. " The cloaked figure said as he stretched out both arms.

[Sh!t! Not my lucky day!...He called me by my Real name, Could he be someone from the family?...No seems unlikely, fine... I'll have Domo decide what to do with him but Mac's gonna be a problem as I'm sure he's lurking around there in search of Some, well I might as make the most out of this deal.] Jule thought while sweating bullets.

"Fine...A gold coin to cross the lake, another two to talk to Rat. The information you seek would decide your Final payment." As he spoke he caught the gold coins that was tossed at him.

"Let's go" He said after confirming that it was 3 gold and headed towards a Boat hidden in the Corner.






Mac's POV

[Amongst the maze of boats and small wooden Ships, I Mac, a glorified Bounty hunter from the Aroduin Kingdom is now reduced to Hunting Rats!] I yelled in my mind before spitting on the floor "Pui! ".

[ Domo!, That B!tch! He just had to steal Nasty information about Duke Sterling River and blackmail him for God knows what. Now I have to kill him off, But the Roach just won't die. although he had been wounded in our last bout which led to Someone coming to save him. On the bright side I heard he was last seen in this location.] I kept complaining in my head while angrily stomping the floor in frustration.

When I finally calmed down I sighed while saying "Haa... if only I could find the one who saved him" and like Magic I heard footsteps. When I saw who it was I began laughing with Joy.

"HAHAHAHAHA.... Oh! The Goddess Kala really has eyes!! ."





"You...!" Jule said, a bit shocked at his on bad luck

"I've been looking for you" Mac said menacingly while approaching the duo. His 6ft4 height with silver battle armor and a Black long coat over it gave a kind of intimidation as he took every step in a sturdy manner like he wasn't wearing armor.

(A/N : I tried! God knows I tried lol)

Age: 26

Level:LV 40

Class: Warrior(Intermediate)

Profession: Bounty Hunter

HP: 4080

MP: 1200

Seeing the Man's status made Lu tong Frown. [this just got Complicated, If I run Jule dies... Jule dies, no Domo... F!cK! If I stay the chances of dying is over 70%. The only saving grace is that he hasn't done his advanced class quest one needs to do at level 30!...shouldn't have much skills. ]Lu tong kept making plans in his mind as the situation before him slowly went south.

"Who's the kid?" Mac nods toward the youth, a stringy boy, yet to gain bulk for his bones stood behind jule. 

"None of your business... if you know what's good for you." Every muscle on Jule's face tightens, eyes narrowed, chin jutted outward. He reaches up to adjust his Short sword, placing it at a jaunty angle on the back of his head.

[it seems NPC can't see status...tsk but they should have a way to gauge strength] Lu tong made an observation.

"I make it my business. This ain't no place for kids." Mac slumps his weight onto one hip, bending the other knee just slightly, lighting up a smoke before turning his head to the docks. "Send him home or I'll make your Death much more painful than originally planned."

Wide-eyed, the youth turns his head from Jule to Mac, taking a step backward and flinching as The Boss like NPC pulls out a great axe.

[His really going to fight?! This Boss... well he's a Boss to me presently... he's definitely going in the beserker path!] Lu Tong screamed in his head as he tried to warn Jules.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Jules." The moonlight plays only upon the wind rippled water and the steel Bladed part.


The sound of the axe touching the floor echoed through the maze of shipping crates and accelerating into the horizon. A dull flash of recognition washes over jules face before he slumps in a weird manner as he barely managed to dodge, a "red carnation" growing on the arm of his dress shirt.

He winced in pain as he steadied himself, looking at Mac who seemed as though he never moved formed cold sweat on his back. [He's a little bit faster and Stronger than Domo, it's over for me now... Haa... ]

"Get out of here, kid. Scram." He quickly warned Lu Tong unconsciously calling him kid like Mac but no one cared at the moment.
