Chapter 5: Battle at the Docks

You've been given a chance to leave what you do?


Reward :????


Reward :????

P. S overall contribution would determine what you receive.





"You're so weak..." Mac Sneered,

The giant Axe he was carrying was now stained with blood, But slowly the blood rolls of the blade and soon resumed it's previous Silver shine.

"You're an Eye, aren't you? I seem to remember your face. Where is Domo?"He Asks while tightening his grip on the axe's iron Handle.

"B-, beats me..." Jules grunted

"So you don't intend to tell me." Mac had a sly grin on his face now, meanwhile Lu tong was more concerned about the fact that Jules was an Eye. There's a mysterious organisation known as sanguis rotam meaning Blood Wheel. High intelligence network and indept history, they also performed assassinations over time and various other actions, no one Knows what they hope to achieve or what their plans are. high ranking officials are referred to as Body parts and meeting someone referred to as an eye came as a surprise to him.

[Why is he so weak, why is he here?...] such questions ran through Lu Tong's mind.

"There's… no need… to tell you..." Jules forced a smile but the pale face and seriously bleeding arm showed clearly that he was in pain. [The bleeding status from that axe must be severe.]Lu Tong weighed the situation.

However, The instant Jules gave him such a reply, a red mist like Aura escaped from Mac's body. It is An Aura skill that only those with high Berserk skill can use.

"Oh? that explains where the Exp is going" Lu Tong muttered.

Jules hand is now holding his short sword in a reverse grip , while Mac's red mist gathers Around him in an even denser form but he's eyes still held clarity as silence filled the surrounding.

The calm before the Storm...

Lu tong made way for them while thinking [Perhaps I can see what skills he has that got him to the rank of an Eye]

Jules soon used the skill and materializes from behind Mac, his short sword quickly closing in on the Berserker. [Rookie move] Lu Tong comments.

However, the Berserker did not even look backwards.


The man simply swings his giant Axe casually.

The incredible wind pressure reaches even the Lu Tong in the distance, causing the latter hurriedly pulls out The Machete and stabs it into the ground to gain balance.

But the sound of impact never came, at this time Lu tong's eyes were opened wide as his pupils dilated [Double Blink?!!]

This time he appeared in Mac's blind spot as he went in for a stab, But they saw Mac's eyes turns in that direction with a sneer forming on his face. He Changes trajectory of the great axe like he was holding a stick.


once again there was No impact! [triple Blink? ]

"What is with that guy?" Lu Tong couldn't help but speak out.

Going by Common sense, This was not meant to be possible even for a Variant speed type Class.

However, He just succeeded in performing it not just twice but thrice..

"That was Your third...interesting!"

The contrast between them was so overwhelming but if he can use Blink more than once continuously then he might have a Chance. [his Chances would increase if I join in] Lu Tong thought enthusiastically.



Immediately Debris flew everywhere . In his moment of distraction he was almost pulverised by their fight.

A gigantic Axe suddenly appears from the Dust in a horizontal mowing attack. Lu Tong narrowly dropped to the ground in evasion. Above his head, the sound of violence roared past.

"Two , huh."

Beyond the Dust, the Berserker looked at the two of them.

"This is the worst. He must have perception!...I guess he noticed my blood lust" Lu Tong protested.

"Guess we have no choice but to fight together." Jules frowned as he knew he wouldn't be able to continue alone.

The two of them with their weapons went into a fighting stance, as which the berserker just sneers.

"You two aren't much, but... you're going to die here regardless. WHERE'S DOMO!!!"

Then his giant Axe is swung down.


The two leap to either side of the giant Axe in evasion.

The giant Axe slams into the ground, sending pieces of rubble flying all around.

From within the cloud of rubble, Mac glares at his two targets with sharp eyes, then settles on the one closer to him —— Lu Tong.

He brazenly steps in, swinging his giant Axe with both thick arms.

However, Lu Tong had been closely watching Mac's movements.

The beserker has both power and speed. However, his characteristics of his weapon forces him to make big motions. No matter how fast he may be, as long as Lu Tong stays focused, he would be able to follow the Axe with his eyes. The hooks of his chains held onto a Big boat and he immediately used the skill but due to the weight, he was sent to the boat instead.

Sure enough, He manages to evade the attack from Mac with this spider man move with the chains.



However, the weight of the attack turns out to be far beyond what he had expected as the Air Force from the attack tossed him head on against the Boat. Luckily he had learnt this earlier.

"All you fvckers are all fvcking the same!" Mac berated them with a glare.

Before Lu Tong Could recover, Mac switched to a one-handed grip while His free arm pushes his Aura to perform a physical attack.


Jule blinked forward in support, but Mac tosses his axe with the other Hand .

Lu Tong is sent flying and rolls on the ground. But immediately afterwards, he gets right back up like it was nothing while grabbing onto his machete.



[this Damage from Aura alone... I guess he's been working on his skill] Lu Tong thought while spitting out some blood.

"Oww~ All that movement had shaken my orgams..."

Lu Tong said as he wiped the blood on his lips.

Mac seemed shocked at first but soon laughs. He stretches his hand and picked up his great axe.

"Most people go down with just that one shot, but . You kid, you must be a masochist." Although he still called him a kid, his tone seemed more respectful.


When receiving that Aura punch just now, he had offset the impact with the same Chain, skillfully rolled around his forearm.

Lu Tong cracks up some his bones while forcefully resetting his dislocated left shoulder, then spits out some saliva stained with blood.[ That whole Scrabble just now cost me about 500 HP...I can't afford to lose focus here. From the look of things Jules must have died here in my past life.]

his head is still slightly reeling from the shock of the punch just now. The amount of damage from one attack is just too unreasonable.

Mac's strength comes from his naturally high physical prowess, his large MP that let's him leave his berserk aura on, and his overwhelming battle sense.

In the face of his brute force swing, Lu Tong once again attempts a parry with the chains as shield. He then deflects the axe, shifting the force to the side in other not to be sent flying and there by creating an opening.


[An opening!] Lu tong yells in his head and used Cleaver...SWOOSH! which manages to leave a deep gash that forced Mac to recoil a bit.

Jules was not going to let this chance slip by as lightning bolt came out from his swinged sword.


Mac's footing became unsteady. The damage of the lightning to his brain has yet to dissipate.


Lu Tong is not one who would overlook such an opening. He used the personal skill which he learnt from repeated use.

He raises his Machete high...and swings down.

"I said, you're still too weak..." Mac Abruptly grips his Axe tightly.

And swings it powerfully.


Although the attack missed Lu Tong by a large margin, roaring past him with incredible speed, send Him Back

by a few steps.


he looks over at Mac once more and sees, him struggling to breathe.

Haa Haa Haa...

"Pests!! That one was waiting the entire time for the instant I let down my guard. Naive!."Mac said with a frown.

"Kid... how long can you last? ..." Jules finally spoke.

Lu Tongs organs were still unstable as the attack from the Aura punch was fatal after all. He looks at Jules skeptically, wondering what he meant..

However, He repeated the Question once more.

"How long can you last."

Lu Tong stared fixedly at Jules, until he finally got a flash of enlightenment.

"How long do you need? ...!"

"1 minute!" Jules pleaded.

Lu Tong eyes fly wide open in shock.

Jules has requested you hold back Mac for one minute!. would you accept Y or N?


skill book

"we'll see?!" Lu Tong said while accepting the mission.

[I've never heard of such a skill, perhaps because he died it wasn't very popular.]

Lu Tong walked between Jules and Mac with steady steps as his brain was working on full drive. all he could see was Mac as this was his biggest challenge Yet, he couldn't kill the Berserker but fortunately he wasnt meant to do so. He just needs to hold aggro for one minute.

"oh?!you think you can hold me for one minute?"Mac asked with disdain but was met with silence.


"Tsk!?!" Annoyed by Lu tong's silence he charged in with his axe.


Klink!! Lu Tong focused on shifting the force of Attacks and giving him a small cut at different places.

A notification pops up but Lu Tong dare not lose guard at this moment.




Lu Tong was beginning to lose the sensation of his hands as they went numb but The scene kept repeating itself for a few seconds before Mac went full berserk, leaving reign to his bestial nature.


The Red beast like aura exploded out like a hurricane as Mac's eyes got stained pure red as he let out a Roar.



Immediately the rhythm Lu Tong found was shattered as he was sent flying while coughing up blood just because he was hit by the air from the attack.

A red like arc followed after Lu Tong forcing him to roll out of the way as soon as he touched the floor.

Mac chased after him like a Hound as he continued to growl. With a Jump he lifted the great axe into the air, ready to swing down so Lu tong once again had to dive out of reflex but the force still tossed him further away which made him curse at him.


Meanwhile, As the other two were fighting Jules sat down in a lotus position as though debris and rocks were flying around him...




4 seconds to go and Lu Tong slipped up, after all he was only human. Mac sent out another energy slash but this time it was Darker but fortunately Lu tong manage to use the trick to escape death once again.

Once he got a sense of balance, he charged at the Berserker as the latter performed the same action.


a second before impact, Lu tong used choke on Mac, thereby silencing him for 2 secs and gaining enough distance between them but that proved to be wrong as Mac appeared abruptly before him with wide red colored eyes.


The sounds of lightning attracted the attention of both parties, What they saw made them wear different reaction. Mac frowned while Lu Tong had wide open eyes that depicts how much shock he was experiencing.


Jules was floating mid-air. His eyes were shining Pale blue and A Thunder ape spirit beast roared behind before hugging him and vanishes , sharp fangs were now protruding from his lips.

The wound on his Arm has completely closed up.

[So that's why he's an eye...Spirit Beast!! He got boosted 10 levels now this is interesting! ] Lu Tong was relieved and excited at the same time.

The Berserker had a toothy grin, while Jules was surrounded by dancing blue lightning.

Age: 34

Level:LV 38

Class: Warrior(Intermediate)

Profession: Assassin

HP: 2980

MP: 1246

Great Axe and Jule's sword collide.

The two's strength prove —— equal. In fact, Mac is still slightly on top.

"Not bad...!"He growled

"GROWL" a bestial growl sounded out within Jule's chest.

Both of them glare at each other amidst a shower of sparks.




However, the next instant —— a Chain breaks the equilibrium.

"You!"Mac cussed out in his mind as he dodged by instinct but left an opening at his Side

Jule's sword stabbed straight between Mac's ribs and punctured his Lungs, causing him to ROAR!! .

The sudden movement breaks his balance. No longer able to properly receive Jule's follow up attack, which sent him crashing into a far wall.

Unfortunately for him, waiting on that side of that wall... was Lu Tong who followed up with a Choke that silenced him and all that was left before his eyes was the lightning filled sword attack of Jule's.

[NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo...] Mac screamed in his mind.

His head goes flying in the Air and silence embraced both of them. immediately after Series of system notifications went into a frenzy but Lu Tong kept on observing Jule's and sizing him up.