33. Elder Omias

A sharp pain shot through the skin surrounding the bite on Trisha's neck. The ointment gradually seeped in, reconnecting and rebuilding nerves and tissue. The pain shifted slowly, from a sharp stab to a dull ache, and finally into a persistent itch. Her head began to clear as the pain subsided, like a fog being lifted.

Porose removed the cloth and looked at where the bite had been, the skin was smooth as jade. Not even a mark had been left behind.

"Does that feel better?" Porose stepped back and watched, giving her room to collect herself. Trisha let go of the breath she had been holding onto, and with it the last remnant of pain that had been lurking inside her. Her head had cleared a lot, though she still fight lightheaded from the blood she had already lost.

"Thank you… yes." She looked towards the door as her mind started piecing together everything that occurred, beginning from the moment she woke up.

Trisha was unsure how it had come to be this way. What had happened with Tommy defied all logic… especially when she thought back on it. A shiver ran up her spine, and her scalp tingled when she remembered what she saw.

The moment before Tommy had grabbed her head, she had seen into his eyes. But the eyes she saw, were not those of her husband.

"Trisha…" Porose had grabbed some stools and brought them over for the three of them, along with a jar of soup for her. "What happened? Tell me everything." Porose was intently focused on everything Trisha said. Pride too, who had been listening quietly the whole time.

She had told them how after a few days of Tommy getting better, she had woken up this morning feeling fine. Until her husband had...

"I don't understand what happened. I didn't even feel him come behind me. But all of a sudden, he was there. And then…" Her hand unconsciously moved to her neck where he had bitten her not even an hour before.

"Porose." Pride stood up and his head brushed close to the ceiling. "I don't know what is going on, but you stay here with her. I am going to go find an elder."

"Mm. Come back as soon as you can. We need to go check on Tommy, but it will be safer with an elder there." Hearing the word 'safe' in this context felt wrong to them. 'Safe' was supposed to mean being careful at work… not being wary of their family.

"Mm." Pride mumbled.

Porose stood, going around to the different pots in the room and stirring them. Trisha sat and watched, but part of her mind remained in its own world. He kept an eye on her while he went about his work, giving her room but not letting her out of his sight. The last thing he wanted was for her to rush back home, though she had not indicated any thoughts of doing so.


The sound of a moderate breeze snuck through the door from outside just as the door was thrown open. Despite the speed which the door had been opened, it did not crash against the wall. Instead it was stopped with an inch of leeway. In the doorway stood the short air-attuned elder, followed by Pride's hulking form.

Medicinal smells which had been quietly building up inside the kitchen rushed out of the room and rode on the wind. The buildings in the immediate area were all diffused with the smell of fresh soup.

When Pride had found the elder and explained to him everything that had occurred, the elder wasted no time in making his way to the kitchen. He had lived for a very long time and had never experienced such a sickness. If that was what this is.

In his wisdom he knew though, that no matter what is to happen, they must react promptly. Hesitance was the true silent killer.

He looked across the room immediately setting sights on Trisha, who had just snapped out of her own thoughts. When she saw the elder, she stood up to greet him respectfully.

"Elder Omias," Her voice was soft; however, it was not as weak as it had been minutes before. The shock of what had happened was beginning to fade. She was still confused but knew that her confusion would not amount to anything in this situation. More than anything, she was worried for husband.

Being the only soul-attuned, she had a miraculous strength of will. She had always believed this to be the biggest difference between herself, and someone like Liter.

"Trisha…" The elder quickly approached and touched her hand motioning for her to sit. Not wasting any time though, he asked about the wound on her neck.

"How are you feeling?" Elder Omias grabbed one of the stools and sat face to face with her, looking into her eyes for any hints of abnormal energy fluctuations. Like the power lines that run across their bodies, a person's eyes offered the most candid view into their soul. While not a perfect system, the elders whom have lived a significant time have all experienced much, and could read a lot from a person's eyes.

Trisha met the elders gaze. Where the elder's eyes held wisdom, her gaze emitted security. She had done this with elders on many occasions, as a test of her own abilities with the soul. In return, the elders also gained wisdom into their own affinities.

When she looked into his eyes, she saw an endless amount of strength. This elder's strength though, was not all-powerful like many of the elders she had seen into the souls of. When she looked into his eyes, she felt like she would get lost in a sea of clouds; never-ending and formless. Her strong will protected her, forming a ship in that vast sea.

Elder Omias too was carefully feeling out her soul. After a moment his eyes softened.

"It looks like you should have nothing to worry about, although maybe to be expected. Your soul and attunement remain solid and strong."

"Thank you Elder, even though I spent the past few days with my husband, I have not gotten sick yet. Most likely thanks to Porose's remedy." She lifted up a jar of hot soup Porose had given her earlier which she had been drinking slowly.

After mentioning her husband, Trisha's thoughts went back to him. Her brows furrowed.

"Elder, now that you are here, we must go! I left Tahmel alone in the house after…" She paused, unsure what to say. What words were left that could possibly describe what had happened?

Trisha stood up followed by the elder.

"Mm, it is very important we go see him. However, Trisha I think you should stay here… anymore exposure to you might be harmful-"

"Absolutely not! He is my husband and I will be there for him as I have been for the past hundred years." She stared at the elder. When they made eye contact, he felt his head throb under the pressure of her gaze. The lines on her body glowed with a harsh white light, brightening the entire kitchen. Now that she was focused, it was much more intense than it had been moments before.

The elder paused for a moment considering his options. "Fine, however you must listen to me and not get too close. Not until we know for certain what is going on."


"Pride you too." He pointed his small hand at Pride motioning him to follow. "Porose, you must stay here and continue with the soup." His voice lowered, becoming aired as he mumbled to himself. "I am afraid we may be needing a lot more, soon."

A small frown formed on Porose's face. He had been doing his best to hide it, but he was extremely worried for his lifelong friend. Nevertheless, he nodded his head and focused on his work.

The three left the kitchen promptly. The elder took the lead but ended up walking shoulder to shoulder with Trisha who was eager to check on Tahmel. Please… we will be there soon. So just be okay…