37. Entering the Warehouse

In one of the largest warehouses towards the back of the city, crates and barrels were being stacked outside in high piles. To clear out the space in the warehouse, the elder that Elder Azelle put in charge of the operation chose to distribute it all among the other warehouses. Although it would be a tight fit, by all accounts there should be just enough room.

As word spread to the city about what was occurring, all of the citizens of the commune began to migrate towards the warehouse district. They stood patiently to the side listening to the elders. Gradually two groups – infected and non-infected – began to form. As the number of people who were sick was tallied, the elders felt increasingly anxious.

50 people. 100 people. 200… 300… 800… 900.

Almost a thousand people had developed a lasting cough. Some of them had been dealing with it for more than a month. However, because Porose had been supplying them with soup they had been able to work through it. To them, they saw it as nothing more than an inconvenience.

Having all the citizens together now though, people began to realize just how big of an endemic they might have on their hands. Especially the elders, who were busy organizing hands. Various healthy volunteers were moving boxes out and cots in. Along with them was a group of individuals with carts full of soup.

Trisha was there as well - talking with the sick residents. Every few minutes she would take one person aside and check their souls and affinities. When she reported back her findings to the elders, their faces were grim.

"Just like Darra, all of their souls are becoming unwound from their affinities." Her eyes were heavy with exhaustion. Physically her body was fine. After checking her own soul thoroughly, as far as she could tell she was not sick. Perhaps it had something to do with her particularly strong soul? She was unsure. However, her immunity to it forced her to work harder.

The more people she looked at though, she became increasingly exhausted. She felt as though she was seeing these people to their deaths. Echoes of her husband's last moments whispered in her mind. And the worst part – she thought – was that asides from a minor cough, they all believed they were in perfect health otherwise.

This left her feeling drained. But she pushed onwards nevertheless.

After hearing back from Trisha, the elders talked among themselves silently without slacking in their own tasks.

Gradually all of the cots were moved in, along with food and water and other provisions. The walls of the warehouse were lined with elemental and attuned artifacts. Many of the elders worked hard to create a biome of elemental energy within the warehouse.

If this sickness was attacking the soul, they would have to do everything in their power to nourish their souls beyond the disease's capabilities.

"Everyone." A voice like water flowed through the minds of every person present. The elders too were no exception. A strong blue radiance extended from a single individual who was walking through the crowd. All the citizens of the conclave immediately recognized and made way for The Elder.

Although the elders were in no way removed from the citizens of Tapestry, many of them were nonetheless revered. And there was no elder more revered than Elder Azelle.

He passed through the crowd with a great amount of ease, and everything around him was bathed in a blue aura. Since the meeting in the hall Elder Azelle had since donned an immaculate robe.

On it were thousands of intricate designs, interwoven with each other in the tapestry of the cloth. The robe itself glowed blue and rippled with his power. The designs were all drawn into the robe with threads of a priceless gold metal.

Alluring and powerful.

When the citizens and elders looked at this man, they could feel nothing but a supreme respect and awe.

Trisha too was no exception. No matter how powerful the protection of her soul was, the force exuded by The Elder at this point could not be withstood.

"Everyone," He stood in between the warehouse and the crowd of people. In all of tapestry there were close to 10,000 people. But in front of all of them, Elder Azelle was like a mighty deity.

"In the history of Tapestry there have been many difficult situations. Crises which the city has thwarted again and again." He took a deep breath as another wave of elemental energy pulsed off of him and into the enraptured crowd.

"I am afraid that we have reached another one of these crossroads." His voice remained stable, like a pillar that could support the world.

"There is a sickness spreading in Tapestry unlike any of the past centuries.

As far as we know now, we are unsure if there is a cure.

As far as we know now, it is irreversible.

And as far as we know now, there is nothing we can do except try to protect those who are not yet sick."

His eyes closed for a moment. In his mind he was unsure if the choice he was making was the right one. Instead of segregating, should they not be focusing more energy into trying to cure it? He truly was conflicted. On the outside though he remained strong, for the people.

"As far as we know… Tapestry has always survived." The aura which had only been extending some little ways off of him suddenly rippled out and covered everyone in the area. 1,000 people. 2,000 people. All 10,000 individuals of Tapestry who were present were now within his sphere of influence.

"And we will survive this too. What we must do now though, is band together and face this in the only ways we know how to for now. So, for those who are sick, please enter into the medical bay we have set up." Elder Azelle motioned behind him to the large metal doors, behind which was a completely stocked impromptu quarantine.

"Trisha." Elder Azelle spoke to her discretely, "Please?"

"Mm." Trisha who was standing with those who were sick spread out her own energy before speaking to them. "Please, come with me and form a line. Inside there is room and the energy for us to cultivate. You must focus on getting better as quickly as possible, so you can return to your families."

She walked up to stand near Elder Azelle on the other side of the doors as him.

"When you all get better, we can throw a party like none other. But first, you must heal." Her voice was steady and calm, however a slight tremor caught in her words which went unnoticed by most. Behind her the crowd had begun to move closer to the med-bay.

Everyone in Tapestry trusted the elders with extreme resolution, so no one doubted their words. Many people began saying farewells to their spouses and family – still unsure of how dangerous the situation could become.

No one here was stupid, though. Many people could tell that there was more wrong here than the elders wanted to let on. However, they still chose to comply wholeheartedly.

Within Tapestry, there was complete trust of one another. That was the privilege of being the last human settlement locked away at the edge of a desolate world.

Everyone watched on as the sick made their way inside. The friends and families all offered their support, handing over any items they had on them with elemental affinity, hoping to help the healing process.

The elders all exchanged despairing looks. They felt pain in their hearts when they thought through the possibilities of what comes next.

Gradually all of the sick had made their way inside, separating themselves into cots without any fuss. They looked out at their many friends and families, with various feelings inside them.

After them - 200 healthy and strongly attuned individuals followed inside. These were volunteers Elder Azelle had talked to personally before his speech.

They had all been informed - more or less - what had happened with Tahmel. It was their job to keep an eye out inside, in case the situations were connected. Should another person lose themselves like Tommy, they were to restrain them with extreme prejudice.

Amongst these 200 was Pride. He volunteered right away when Elder Azelle had come to talk to him. After handling Tommy, he knew how dangerous another encounter like that could be. Especially if those inside were unprepared.

Pride was the last person to enter, closing the doors behind him.

"Be careful Pride, make sure you reach out to the elders if anything happens. We will keep constant watch from outside."

Pride looked at Elder Azelle and simply nodded. Before he could shut the door though, Elder Azelle pulled out a large flask of alcohol from his robes. Elder Azelle grinned at Pride before tossing it to him.

Pride caught it, surprised at the elders' generosity. But eventually he too just grinned, raising it up in salute before stuffing it in his pocket.

Finally, the doors fully shut. In the silence that was left behind there was a grinding on the other side as Pride locked the door.

This was something he had thought to do on his own.

No one said anything about it.