
The entire experience lasted for a few moments before coming to a lurching halt.

Noone's organs all shifted again, the immediate deceleration causing even him with his dulled senses to feel sick. The momentum of his body was suppressed by the wound roots. Noone looked out from between the roots but he didn't have time to take in the sight before another pressing concern was brought to his attention.

At first, he felt lucky to have not died from the impact. He did not have time to process the implications of that, however. Soon realizing that the roots had not released him. In fact, they seem to be wound even tighter. Despite his strong disposition and immense constitution, abrasions were forming across his body and the roots drew blood.

Due to the constant drain of his life-force, it was now dangerously low, close to 30% of what it should have been. His usual dark grey complexion was now paler, and Noone's head throbbed from the pressure. But the roots did not slow and continued to feed off him.

Noone's body was even beginning to react outside of his control, his always steady breathing became increasingly shallow.

20 percent.

Noone's consciousness was fading within, any chance he had to fight for control of his body back was now gone. He no longer had the strength even if he wanted to.

"Come on…" He pleaded within his own mind. If this was the ultimate culmination of what he was fighting for - to be used as plant food - then it could have happened down in the cave below. There was no reason to bring him up.

Noone focused his attention, fighting to stay aware. He looked around at the large cavernous room which he was being held within.

17 percent.

Lining the walls were numerous root structures, but all of them were immense in comparison to the ones which bound him.

15 percent.

Eight of them that he could see, all a meter in diameter, snaked out from the center of the room and up along the walls. They were all sprouting smaller roots that spread out like a net. It seemed to be holding the cavern in shape, keeping it from collapsing into rubble.

12 percent.

Noone's eyes traced the long roots up to the ceiling. All the roots which lined the cavern interconnected at a single point, a large knotting of roots and wood. Hanging from the center of the cavern growing out of the roots was a stem structure, not brown but green. A dark green which was speckled with tiny lights like a million sun stone fragments.

10 percent.

Noone's consciousness was barely able to maintain awareness or thought, but he also found himself unable to look away from the centerpiece of the cavern.

Hanging underneath the center of the cavern, supported by an immense trunk like stem - a closed flower bud hung. It was utterly massive.

It hung a few meters away from the ground, and like a giant sun-stone it glowed filling the cavern with subtle colors and shifting lights.

The bulb was every soft shade of blue and pink and green, and it shined dimly. Being vaguely transparent, the colors which perfused it moved and flowed like water all being held inside.

Noone felt himself being drawn to the bulb. He stared at it in wonder, it gave off a feeling like nothing he had ever felt before. A feeling of alien strangeness but also of familiarity and security.


Despite the glowing bulb in the middle of the room, the world dimmed and Noone began to lose complete consciousness.


Soon Noone completely lost it.

His body did not collapse. It remained standing on the cavern floor wrapped in roots, draining him of his life force.

Whatever instincts he had given himself over to, had betrayed him it seemed. He would be turned into a husk.


Within a minute there was no life force left within him. There was no breathing, or muscle reaction. Even in his mind, there was no response or final fight for survival.

The roots which bound him gradually began to unwind, releasing pressure on his body.

Gradually the tips of each root sunk back into the ground, piercing stone and replacing themselves into their former positions.

The gently illuminated cavern was quiet. Not a sound was heard. Not the movement of roots, nor the breathing of man.

A few moments passed, complete silence reigned.

Until the gentle sound of a padded foot filled the cavern like some unstoppable echo. Then another. And another.

Noone's body stepped forward, but otherwise remained eerily still. There was no breathing, or eye flutter, or any sign that he was aware.

His body though, took another step. Seeming to fight against all logic.

The truth was, there was still a small spark of life. The smallest most insignificant spark of life-force hidden deep within Noone's core. Every iota of life had been taken from him before the roots released his body. But not this one ember. This one piece of human life left within him fueled only that which was absolutely necessary to survive.

This wasn't breathing though. Or thinking. Or any of the other bodily functions.

It was walking. Walking forward, towards the large bulb that illuminated the room.

The ground was perfectly flat, and slightly moist from years isolated within. And the water pooled in the middle of the room, Noone approached. Wet steps and footstep sized splashes cut through the silence.

If Noone had been aware and had the time he would have appreciated the utter beauty and feeling of serenity the silent cavern inspired. Regrettably though, he had been too tied up to appreciate it.

Two steps and his body stood poised underneath the bulb. The flower bulb continued to pulse slightly, exuding gentle light. It was neither aware nor unaware of Noone's presence. But enough was clear to say for sure - his body and mind had started resonating with the entity hanging above him ever since Noone descended the cliff.

And now, Noone had reached it. Using up the last spark of life force in his being, Noone's hand pierced through the bulb above his head. It entered the flower without any resistance and was immediately surrounded with energy.

When Noone's energy ran out his body began to collapse, and his hand was being pulled with him down out of the bulb.

Before he could collapse to the ground though, a small cord like vine from inside the bulb descended. It was only the width of a hair, but it easily wrapped around Noone's wrist and lifted his hand back up into the bulb. It did not stop there though and continued to lift Noone by the wrist.

Soon his whole arm was submerged within and his lifeless body was now being lifted clear of the ground. The gap at the bottom of the bulb widened and Noone was lifted through. Despite the large gap though, no fluid escaped from inside.

After a few minutes Noone's entire body was submerged securely in the bulb hanging from the ceiling. The gap that had been created closed and there was no sign Noone had ever been there. The room stilled.

The water which was pooled on the floor of the cavern settled, and all noises ceased.

There was but one noticeable change to the environment. On the outline of the bulb, the vague shape of eight petals were now visible, highlighted by the subtle brightening the followed.