73. Shockwave

It was the middle of the night in the desolate lands at the south-western edge of the world. Two acolytes, two clerics and a paladin were sitting around a small fire shielded from sight by several naturally formed boulders on the plateau.

Light flickered, and ominous shadows were cast onto the surrounding stones telling stories of eras long past, appearing and disappearing like notes in a song.

Everyone sat comfortably but there was an air of helplessness that spread across the group. They talked amongst themselves while remaining vigilant of their surroundings. They were deep into the epoch tribe's territory, and although they haven't seen any tribesman yet - none of them were willing to be caught unprepared.

"According to the maps sent to us by the grand-priest, we should reach the edge of the world tomorrow." Sally said, using the delicate firelight to carefully study the map. On her littlest finger she wore a silver charm with a holy-symbol delicately etched into it. When she moved it across the map it would begin to ring like a small bell once her finger hovered over their location. This was how she could track where they were without needing the stars.

Both Sarah and Feylin had asked her about this, having never seen or heard of anything like it before.

"Well… there are many types of maps." She began. "This happens to be an extremely special and extremely expensive one." She emphasized the 'extremely.'

She turned the map over, and on the back of the smooth parchment, an intricate rune was painted on it. Small sparkles like glitter could be seen flowing through the rune as though it were fluid and alive.

"It's this rune that allows it to work in such a way." Sally's voice was filled with admiration for the map that the two acolytes couldn't understand.

She was not a cartographer enthusiast per say, but as someone who has seen a lot of maps and charts throughout her life, to be able to hold such a legendary one was something she would definitely never forget.

Over the course of the journey, Feylin and Sarah came to realize just how special the person was who requested this favor of the Grand-Priest. It was repeatedly emphasized to them how rare many of the items they used were. The last thing Tobias wanted was for the acolytes to believe it was always this easy, so he would constantly remind them that this was a special circumstance.

"Most maps you coordinate your location by looking at the surrounding hills and mountains, remembering where landmarks are, etc. When in spaces where there are no landmarks, they make specialized maps that can be charted and followed using the stars. This is how you would cross the northern desert, for example." Sally explained. Initially she had been expecting to have a star-chart for crossing the desolate western edge, it was only when Tobias handed her this map did she know it would be a lot easier.

As they all sat listening to the wind brush against the earth and through the stone forest surrounding them, Tobias' body suddenly straightened, gathering everyone's attention. His eyes narrowed, and he looked towards the west. He did not stand or draw his weapon, so no one else moved to either. However, their focus was now to the west attempting to make sense of the paladin's alert state.

No one could see it, but his eyebrows scrunched up and a frown crossed his face. "Cover your ears." He spoke quickly but with an even tone. His voice seemed to speak directly into their minds, causing them to heed his words immediately without thought. Their hands came up to their ears just in time.

Suddenly, everyone present felt the pressure in their ears and lungs increase. A noise like the end of the world occurred many miles to the west, sending a shockwave rumbling out for hundreds of miles. The stone around them shifted and rumbled, even the boulders planted into the stone for millions of years shifted under the immense pressure.

Tobias' eyes widened. "Shit." He said, but no one could hear him. The pressure wave came like a train and stretched across their vision. Tobias, Sally, Rae, Feylin, Sarah. Every single one was lifted off the ground by the sheer force rushing towards them. The fire winked out of existence and their bodies were thrown into the nearest boulder – crashing violently before crumbling to the floor.

The two acolytes' faces screwed up in pain and suddenly they coughed up blood as their lungs collapsed in on themselves. Their eardrums burst under the immense forces which wormed its way into their bones.

The three from Burian fared only a bit better, being at higher levels and having stronger constitutions than the young acolytes. Tobias fared the best, and quickly cast a healing spell upon himself and his compatriots, all sprawled on the floor after being passed by the concussive blast.

As quickly as it had occurred, the acolytes' collapsed lungs were reformed, and their eardrums gradually mended back together.

Sarah and Feylin were helped to their feet by the two clerics who had quickly readjusted from the shock.

Both of the acolytes stumbled and were unable to stand without holding on to Raelith and Sally, coughing up another mouthful of foul blood that was left behind after being healed.

"Easy." Tobias muttered, paying extreme attention to the west as though he was trying to see past the stones themselves. "Let Sarah and Feylin stay sitting, their eardrums burst from the shockwave, even after being healed it will take a couple minutes for their balance to return."

Both of the clerics nodded and helped the two acolytes sit down.

Fear could be seen in the eyes of the young ones. Their faces were pale from the sudden event and a cold sweat had formed under their clothes. Even Sally and Rae were put on edge by the suddenness of events. The acolytes couldn't begin to imagine what would cause such a ferocious blast, and the clerics probably could - but didn't dare to.

Finally, after a few minutes passed with no other changes Tobias began to relax. However, his mind was working itself into exhaustion running every contingency plan he could come up with to explain the sudden shockwave.

After a few more minutes, Sarah grit her teeth and forced herself to stand despite the nausea and unease she felt. Feylin followed suit, leaning slightly against the boulder he had been thrown into. They took unsteady steps towards Tobias but said nothing. They didn't know what to say.

Tobias reached into his shirt and pulled out the necklace they had been using to navigate. Quietly he lifted it.

Everyone watched as the necklace spun for a moment, as if coming to some kind of decision. Finally, the moon side began to point to the west. The same beam of light appeared, but instead of pointing directly west it was now pointing down at an angle.

Sally and Tobias frowned while Rae looked on in interest.

"The moon side is the side pointing west…" Rae said ponderously.

"Mm." Tobias stared daggers into the necklace, threatening it to explain itself.

"So… do we continue?" Sally said. The sudden change in events caused her to become uncomfortable. This was the first time the necklace had changed like this. And to occur right after the sudden shockwave… she didn't know what it could mean.

"Yes." Tobias responded. His voice was confident but inside he felt slightly hesitant. "But we must remain vigilant. At the first sign of danger if it is above our capabilities, we will enact a full retreat." His eyes turned to the two acolytes. "Are you both okay now?"

Sarah and Feylin were both breathing heavy, their limbs felt weak and unreliable, adrenaline coursed through them as though trying to fuel their desire to run. When Tobias saw their eyes, he understood immediately.

Without ceremony, he walked to the two acolytes and struck both of them on the chest with enough force that they were knocked off balance and landed roughly on their butts. Rae and Sally's eyes widened for a moment, but they did not stop the paladin.

Feylin and Sarah too stared dumbly at the man who had just struck them. The paladin stood over the two for a minute before the acolytes finally reacted. They scrambled to their feet and stood in front of the paladin again, fighting off their body's weakness and instability.

"You both should have easily been able to dodge that strike." He said, his voice rumbled through their minds. He was right, he did not move slowly or hit them in a blind spot, they should have easily stepped out of the way.

"So some little shockwave hurts you a bit and all of a sudden you both become newborns? You forget how to stand? You stop paying attention?" Tobias glared at the both of them. "That's not how we taught you to respond. Are you showing me that the last six months have been a waste?"

Sarah, Feylin, Sally, and Raelith all began to understand why he struck out. He was making a point to the two youngest ones. Just because something scary occurs, doesn't mean you can suddenly lose your spine. What if they had really been attacked just now instead of a simple strike? What if that shockwave had been the start of a fight with the epoch tribe?

Both acolytes' eyes softened, but a resolve had formed within them. How shameful would it be if they did not learn anything during this time with Tobias and the two clerics from the Burian? Were the willing to return to the temple having no mettle to show for it?

"Thank you, Tobias. You are right. The pain from the shockwave made me lose myself for a moment." Sarah coughed uncomfortably. Tobias nodded his head in response.

Honestly, he was impressed with the two kids. In his mind, he did not see it as wrong that they had grown scared in that moment. What he was more concerned with was whether they had stayed that way after being shown their flaws.

Sarah looked down at her palms, tightening her grip until her knuckles were white. She felt ashamed. He was absolutely right. All three from Burian responded quickly after the shockwave passed over them, only Feylin and her turned useless.

Sally and Rae watched on. Pride filled their hearts at the resolve the young acolytes showed.