83. Raelith. Tobias. Noone.

He pondered about the existence he saw in the cemetery, and the beings he fought with when he arrived on the surface.

Now that his mind was calm, he could see that they looked completely different from each other. Even within the five beings he came across, he could see how different they were from one another. They were weird and their flesh was plainly colored. They wore odd clothing's made of metal and cloth. They must be… desolate world natives? Was there such a thing?

He remembered every moment of their battle like a video he could rewind at leisure. Every movement and image was trapped within his brain. Noone considered how far his mental state had improved along with his physical body. He could remember things easier, and even think faster.

He saw how they all worked together to subdue him.

His mind moved at lightning speed attempting to reach any kind of epiphany. Within a short period of time Noone had lost everything he had ever known, and now everything he knew from before was being challenged.

Where did they come from?

Why did they approach me?

What are they…?

Noone's mind continued to spin, circling these questions hoping there would be some kind of answer. Sadly, any answer he approached left him very uneasy.

"What if… we weren't the only ones who survived the desolation." Finally, he had no choice but to face the question. "But… one of the scouting pairs we have sent out would have returned by now if that was the case…"

His mind raced, he remembered the feeling of the barrier when his consciousness expanded while absorbing the common heritage.

Nothing made sense…

It was like this Noone spent all of his time, alone in the darkness with just his consciousness and thought.

"Maybe I died…? Again?" Noone considered this. He knew how bad his injuries were at the end of the battle. Even if he had managed to defeat them - which he hadn't - Noone did not believe he would survive for much longer in that state.

He couldn't help but smile wryly at his own pitiful state. He had given himself over to power and madness, and yet he was unable to do anything more than injure a few beings from the surface. He found it laughable that he was considering trying to avenge his conclave, when he couldn't even handle the first beings he encountered. Everything had occurred too fast, and he was too unprepared.

Suddenly, Noone could feel the gentle sensation of air against his flesh. It was subtle, but gradually his awareness was pulled back into his physical body.

A black and familiar starry sky stretched above him like a bottomless void. After some blinking, his vision came into focus just in time to feel the weight of bindings holding his body roughly against the ground.

Around him stood the same five individuals he encountered before. Their weapons were drawn and Noone could decipher looks of surprise from their rather human-like expressions.

As they stood above him, strange noises escaped from their lips. Noone's eyes widened in shock, they seemed to be conversing.

Looking towards him, then to each other and back, Noone was certain. They were conversing. Not only were they capable of complex speech, which Noone did not find so surprising. But they spoke! Verbally! Almost exclusively so. Why do they not converse… oh! Noone realized quickly that without the common heritage these beings did not grow to have unspoken communication.

Noone couldn't interpret what they were saying, he had never heard sounds like the ones they made. But seeing a group of five who communicated verbally left odd feelings welling up inside of him.

Do they think I can understand them? Noone frowned. So much of what was happening left him feeling lost. Like a man without a map, Noone felt stranded in a world he did not understand.

Finally, Noone worked up the mind to speak to them. Even if he could not understand them, surely, they might understand him?

"What are you?" His voice cut through their conversation like a knife. Everyone in the group tensed violently at the words he spoke. The chains around him tightened, causing him to cough violently. He watched their expressions with tight eyes, attempting to make anything of the situation.

After a few seconds they went back to talking with each other. Noone was truly at a loss of what to do. He flexed his muscles, feeling the bindings hold tight against his flesh.

It was in that moment that Noone realized that the arm which had been sliced off by the tall one with the axe had returned. Noone attempted to look at it, but he was unable to move his head enough to see it. The muscles in the arm flexed in resistance, he could feel it as clear as day.

Did I do this…? Or did they? Noone pondered over whether or not he was able to grow back limbs. Surely not, right?

In fact, it wasn't just his arm. His entire body felt relaxed and rejuvenated, as though he had just had the most restful sleep. Noone couldn't make heads or tails from it.

One of the shorter ones spoke out. Noone looked over.

It's the one who trapped me in chains… oh. That's right… didn't I crush in their skull? How are they alive? Noone's thoughts whiplashed violently and he quickly analyzed everyone around him.

All of the damage he inflicted seemed to have disappeared from their bodies, with the exception of the paladin's arm.

Suddenly the tall one looked down at him making eye contact. He spoke slower and more deliberately. Noone could tell it was trying to communicate with him.

"I know you will not understand this. Who are you? What are you? Where are you from? Why did you approach me?" As an act of frustration, Noone decided to simply speak what was on his mind. If they were trying to communicate, then it meant that they were not mindlessly hostile. What other choice did Noone have? He figured they wouldn't be able to understand him anyways.

And judging by the expressions on their faces, he was right. They looked at each other, completely baffled by the unique language which came from him.

"Sarah." Tobias's deep voice rumbled. "Release the chains."

To Noone's shock, the weight which he felt holding him to the earth gradually eased before finally disappearing completely. Noone stared at everyone around him. When no one else made a move, he slowly, carefully, sat upright.

Everyone watched him like a beast that they were more than prepared to put down. When Noone considered how their first encounter went, he couldn't blame them. He did not trust these strange beings any more than they seemed to trust him.

Everyone stood around Noone - tense as they had ever been. Although they could imagine as to Tobias's thoughts, none of them were sure that unbinding this creature was the right choice.

Especially Tobias himself. The more he thought about it though, the more unreasonable it was to try and keep Noone bound. They were not equipped for that kind of retrieval operation.

Letting him follow on his own at least was going to be a necessity. It eased Tobias's mind to see that Noone did not attempt to run or fight when they released him. Combined with his ability for speech, the group was certain they were dealing with an intelligent being.

Whatever they encountered initially, it seemed that Rae had come to the right conclusion.

Tobias eyed the familiar necklace which at some point had positioned itself hung around Noone's neck. He wondered if he was meant to retrieve it or not. Quickly he decided against it. If that pendant was the only thing holding back the devilish being, they had encountered, then he would let someone else deal with it unless he was directly instructed otherwise.

"I should contact the grand-priest and let him know that changes have occurred." Tobias stood to his full height, giving one last glance at Noone before walking away. It seemed he had turned his attention completely, but his hand gripped the axe tightly ready to react at the slightest disturbance.

Everyone else tensed.

However, Noone wisely continued to sit there, staring at the back of the large being single-handedly wielding the axe.

As if I believed it would be that easy. Noone thought. Assuming these other beings thought anything like the people of Tapestry, Noone was not so naïve to believe they would turn their back on him carelessly.

"So… what do we do now?" Sarah asked. She stared down at Noone, her eyes absorbed everything about this strange being in front of her.

Especially the white lines which seemed to pulse with life. They looked like runic tattoo's but the feeling she got from them was that they were a part of his being.

"Two will have to stay awake to keep watch." Sally said. "I will take first watch with Rae, you two should get some rest. There's still hours till sunrise."

Both of the acolytes nodded in response, sharing a look between themselves. Neither thought they would be able to sleep well after this.

The night dragged on, Tobias spoke with the Grand-Priest directly, explaining the situation. However, his mood quickly went south when he received instruction.

He was instructed to leave the pendant with the being. They would take him all the way back to HQ, on the way teaching him the common world language. He was instructed to treat him as though he was another traveling companion.

When Tobias questioned the purpose of this, he was merely told it was instruction left by 'the mad woman.'

Tobias grit his teeth, he did not hold it against the church, but he would be lying If he said he liked the church running errands for a third party. Especially not her. They were warriors and healers, not escorts and most certainly not babysitters.

Eventually he walked back towards Noone. He could see Sally scouting the perimeter, keeping a close eye on their surroundings was important as long as they remind in the territory of the epoch tribe.

Rae sat in front of Noone, who sat with legs crossed and back straight. Tobias was surprised to see Rae attempting to communicate with the strange being.

"Raelith, what are you up to?" Tobias asked. He knew she was a curious creature. She had lived for almost 200 years, but for her species she was still considered young. Her curiosity was similar to that of a young 20-something. However, she had the life experience to not act too rashly unlike actual 20-something's.

"Oh, Tobias. How did it go with the grand-priest? No. Wait come here. Sit." Tobias smiled wryly at the energetic nature of his companion. However, he didn't bother to pry into her reasons or argue with her. He sat next to her facing the being.

Noone tensed with the arrival of the large paladin. He and Noone were both similar in stature, practically shadowing over Raelith.

Noone was curious as to what they were doing. The tall one had sat down in front of him and began talking to him as though he could understand. He watched her, but only because he knew there was nothing else he could do. After seeing their capabilities, he knew he would not be able to get away. Especially without the mindless power he had achieved before.

He knew that compared to these beings, his baseline battle capability was far outmatched.

When Tobias sat down, Noone couldn't help but re-evaluate him. He gave off a feeling of immense sturdiness. Like a dam built to withstand a river.

Rae moved her hand to her chest.

"Raelith." She said. Tobias's eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen. Noone looked on not understanding.

"Tobias." Rae's hand moved to Tobias's chest. Then back to her own "Raelith." She paused. "Okay, Tobias. You do it too."

Tobias nodded. He repeated her gestures calling his own name and then hers. After a few turns of this, Noone began to understand.

He lifted his hand, the two from Burian tensed up slightly, they were not fools. But they were also very experienced in the world and trusted their instincts. In the real world, friends can become enemies, and enemies can become allies. Magic and miracles abounded through their known universe, circumstances where former enemies end up being in each other's care are not unheard of by any means.

Neither were the type of people to hold a grudge over something like a few battle injuries. Even Tobias who had lost an arm.

"Tobias. Raelith." Noone pointed at both of them, calling out their names in slightly warped Common. The two looked at each other. A smile spread on Rae's face.

Then his hand went to his own chest.


Raelith's eyes were infected by her own smile. She wasn't sure why, but this being gave her a good feeling.

Noon? Like the sun? Tobias thought, but he kept his thoughts to himself.