CH.100 Q&A

This is the Q&A going up 2/19/19[8/22/2019] with chapter 100!


Here's a link to the 'general' map I use for the continent Noone is on. It's not perfectly accurate and I can't guarantee I will keep the names/landscape/or regions the way they are. But for now it's good enough for me.

+++Questions on Noone's Name+++

Honestly I'm super considering just going back and changing Noone's name to 'Noon.' This might create it's own complications, but with the amount of flak I got early on about his name… it might be worth it.

Q: "Noon, No one, or None?"-Everyone

A: Noon. [IPA:nun]

WN C.83 "Is that an intentional acronym by the author? (No one) Noone."-Turk

A: If i had to guess I would say the author was probably thinking it would be clever back when he assumed this would be a quick story which wouldn't gain any traction, and now it is 100 chapters in and too late to go back. (or, it was the name of the author's dnd character this novel may or may not have been loosely based on and... yeah)

+++Patreon Questions+++

Q: "Do you have an editor or do you just proof-read?"-LostSands

A: To my most active patron, I do not have an editor. My process is to write the chapter (usually 3 chapters at a time) and then to read them through immediately before I upload the official chapter on WN and RR. So they get a once over days later and hopefully I catch any mistakes. The exceptions are chapters I am nervous about. The chapter where Noone jumps (17), the chapters where Noone returns to a desolated Tapestry, and chapters 76 and 90 specifically.

+++Webnovel Questions+++

C.90: "What's the end game looking like, god or death at old age?"-power

A: God. Always God.

C.90 "From what I've read so far, I assume there is many types of power systems such as cultivation and magic in Noone's world. Will Noone ever learn any conventional magic such as casting fireballs, or will he remain on his current path (which I assume is cultivation)?" -Eternity_River

A: Ultimately he will be practicing cultivation, however as he experiences the different power systems he will adopt them into his own "dao." So yeah, fireball is still a possibility :P

C.90 "Does Noone still have the inner devil, or has the madness passed?"-Homeless one

A: The inner-devil is sealed within the amulet, so he still has it. It's part of the reason he is unable to remove the amulet from his neck.

C.90 Matirion :P I saw your questions and I literally can't answer any of them without major spoilers. You have been reading from the very beginning though and thank you. Nothing really "Scared" Noone yet about the surface world. But he was super confused about Raelith being blue, and is most looking forward to seeing other races.

C.3 "Do the people [in Tapestry] sing?"-Amante0

A: *Coughs uncomfortably*

C.12 "Does Noone become a robust man for having so many carts tied up and dragging it for 3 whole months? Just imagining the MC as a robust man, it's quite unique."

A: Yes. Yes he does.

C.27 "I'm impressed Noone didn't just sink. As dense as he is (cause like muscles and stuff) and from the weight of all the metal he has on him on top of that, it's truly amazing that the he didn't just drop like a rock pulling the bird along with him."-ImortalofSpagetti

A: *cough cough* Well. You see. I am sure there is a very good reason for that… *Cough*

C.28 "It was alive, probably. Like a sea hedgehog.[In regards to the purple spiked 'stone']"-All_Ex

A: What are you, some kind of wizard? Also, the word you were looking for is "urchin." I actually only included it as a red herring, not unlike a few other things within the story.

C.49 "Sometimes your first bdsm experience is unexpected."-EroticEarwig

A: I remember choking when I read this for the first time. You live up to your username sir.

C.55 "A Plant Woven Nooneiverse"-Dao_of_Ninja

A: Thus a legacy of puns was born.

C.72 "Nooo!! I didn't commit to reading this for so long just for the mc to turn evil! I absolutely hate stories like that! Please tell me it isn't so!"-Dreamheart_Dragon

A: It isn't so.

C.73 "Sometimes I wish I could just go to the future and read book chapters."-Hilers

"I think the author is right there with you"-ThankYou

A: Yeah. I am.

C.74 "There is a cliff at a cliff. Author did you do that on purpose."-Person814

A: …Mm…

C.76 "Well **** that escalated quickly. Very well done on the fight scene, but I thought you said no more cliffs HOW IN THE FUCK IS THIS NOT A CLIFF?!?!!?"-Richard_Rahl

A: Love the username. Also… oops. :P

C.76 "So he absorbed the energy of the universe, and the energy of all his people and he loses to some mid level scrubs?"-whateverpickone

A: >>This answer has been redacted due to insensitivity.<<

C.81 "Thank you for the chapter. I would love to read a q&a!"-maplepear

A: Well if you insist.

C.88 "Will he eventually learn how to swim?"-NinjaCat620

A: I hope not, then I would miss out on some great water-related comic relief.

+++Royalroad questions+++

C.90 "I was wondering what is the shape of the world? Unless that is something that you wish to reveal later?"-John Christianson

A: I loved reading your comment and hearing your speculation. I hate to tell you that most of it is wrong, however given the information you know as a reader, it is extremely well thought out and makes me happy :) I can't give you the Total view, but what I can give you is the randomly generated map I use for the continent Noone is on.

And if you're curious about the website I used to randomly generate the map it is:

C.90 "You've mentioned the world is based around d&d, in regards to race/class, so what race is Noone, is he truly human?"-GooseTheGreat

A: So some of the answer is too spoilery to explain right now, but to answer as best as I can… Noone's race (the race of Tapestry) was once human. But they spent so long underground and influenced by their inheritance that they evolved to be something different entirely while the outside world passed them by.

(The original character of Noone I made was for a dnd campaign years ago, and his design (as well as the design of the people of Tapestry) are heavily influenced by the "Earth Genasi" race in 5e)


I hope this QA was as fun for you to read as it was for me to write, I will hold more audience interaction stuff as the story progresses so keep an eye out :)