129. Quality Food

"What were you thinking about?" The young woman looked Feylin up and down, enjoying his startled expression.

"Oh, umm. It's Anette, right?" Feylin adjusted his clothing, recovering his usual nonchalant smile. He recognized this girl from earlier when he was being introduced to the other's in charge of food and wellness. She was the member of a small party of adventurer's, if he recalled correctly.

She stood close to his side, not thinking about his personal space at all. Her clothes were the simple robes of an acolyte or early level cleric. She had short golden curls which bounced as she moved, and freckles the likes of which Feylin had never seen.

"Mhmm." She nodded enthusiastically, her curly hair bobbing vigorously as she did. "I'm surprised you remember, I'm kind of easy to forget." She chuckled spiritedly. Her flowery voice which chuckled in good humor left a good impression on Feylin.

"So where are you coming in from? It seems like we are a part of the same order." She smiled. "I'm from Pinepass. I grew up in the temple here. I finally managed to advance from an acolyte only a few weeks ago." The way she spoke reminded Feylin of himself a bit. There was a joyous curiosity about the world in her voice.

"Your bishop let you leave the temple to adventure on your own?" Feylin asked surprised.

"No no! He wouldn't dare. He thinks I'm rather useless to be certain." She said useless the way someone might say the word lazy, and Feylin couldn't help but chuckle. "I have a few friends, you see…" The girl whispered, "We all grew up together. And we set up a party just of ourselves and decided to join the first caravan out."

Feylin thought of the older man they had visited during their stay at the temple before glancing back at the girl. Surely she couldn't have run off, right? He decided not to ask. There was nothing he could do about it now anyways. And it seemed like she had an adventurer's party of her own already. No matter how she seemed, she was an adult and could make her own choices.

"So… What about you? Where are you from? How long have you been traveling?" The girl's eyes shined with inquisitive light.

"I'm afraid I will have to disappoint you." Feylin chuckled. "I'm actually from Ardglass. A month's walk west of here."

"Really?" The young woman asked surprised. "Did you just advance as well then? Is this your first time out too?"

"Yes… and no. It's complicated. I suppose I had my first assignment a little over a year ago… but I only advanced into a cleric last month along with my… friend." Feylin hesitated for half a second over the word friend. "This is my first time heading inland though."

Anette nodded, as though understanding. Not wanting to continue that conversation, Feylin countered with his own question. This was the first time meeting another cleric his own age. He wanted to know what it was like being an acolyte in a larger town like Pinepass.

The two talked through the day, using conversation to ignore the rumble of the caravan. It wasn't long until the sun began to lower on the horizon, casting deep shadows within the forest.

One by one, carts slowed to a stop and people began setting up stations for their tasks.

The regular hires began feeding and brushing out the horses, checking the carts for wear, anything that could cause trouble if not maintained regularly.

Not having anyone to heal, the clerics helped with the food, setting up multiple fires and large stew pots to feed the whole caravan.

Sally worked in silence while Feylin and Anette talked cheerfully about their time as acolytes.

"It's so nice that caravans can afford food of this quality even while moving." Feylin noted, his stomach growled in hunger.

"You call this quality?" Anette joked, holding up salted meats they were using to flavor the stews.

"You just don't understand. When you're traveling as a lone party you need to be picky about how much you can carry. Which usually ends up in you finding the blandest but most energy efficient foods. Nuts and dried meats, dried fruits. Etcetera." Feylin admonished.

"Mm. I guess." Anette groaned, thinking he was exaggerating.

"Anette!" an easygoing voice called out from down road a little ways. Anette and Feylin looked up to see a group of four walking towards them.

"These must be Anette's friends." Feylin thought, putting on a smile.

"Anette. Are you almost done here? Harry was talking to one of the caravan leads, and they were saying they would consider vouching for us at the adventurer's guild in the next town depending on how we do." A tanned athletic woman spoke excitedly, gesturing with wide movements as she talked. "We were gonna go introduce ourselves." The tanned woman finally noticed Feylin, who continued to cut vegetables into the pot.

"A cleric…? Is he from the temple, Anette? I don't recognize him?" Everyone's attention shifted to Feylin who returned a well-meaning smile.

"Ah no. Everyone, this is Feylin. He is a cleric like me but from the temple in Ardglass." Anette spoke with her usual vigor. "And listen to this… he's been to the edge! He's even seen the epoch tribesman!" She beamed.

Their eyes went wide as they looked at this young man no older than any of them. Feylin gave a wry smile. He didn't mind talking about those things, but he wasn't expecting Anette to announce it either.

In the past, epoch tribes were an unspoken of existence. Mainly lost except to those old enough to remember the last conflict with one. A conflict which leveled a mountain range into the continents third largest ocean.

Now though, with the development's over the past year, the epoch tribes had returned into the minds of the people as legendary existences come to life.

"Really?" One of the young men asked. From the looks of his armor and simple sword Feylin guessed he was a fighter.

Feylin nodded, unsure what to say.

The group looked at each other, they had no reason to disbelieve a cleric of the order but… could it be true?

"Well. After we talk with the lead could you tell us about it?" The tanned young woman asked, not forgetting their initial objective.

"Sure. I don't mind. Just let us finish up the stews for tonight and then come find me later." Enjoying the attention from the group Feylin couldn't help but want to share his experience. This was the first time being around anyone less experienced than him while traveling… with the exception of Noone.

Upon thinking about Noone, Feylin's mood soured a bit, but he quickly put those thoughts aside

Anette's friends nodded and wandered off, letting Anette know where to find them when she was done.

As they worked, stews all around the camp began to come to a boil flooding the caravan with the smell of meat and vegetables.

The smell drifted down road reaching the noses of the adventurers and the mercenaries guarding the rear.

"Mmmmm. Foods done." A chuckling aged voice reached Noone's ears.

Noone's eyes immediately opened, putting him face to face with the small gnome Alaviv. Even when sitting crossed legged, Noone was taller than the old gnome standing at his full height. Noone frowned and then closed his eyes again, ignoring the older man.

Alaviv chuckled. "Now now don't be like that. I just wanted to eat with you and talk for a bit." This time his voice didn't travel through the air but instead sounded within Noone's head causing Noone's frown to deepen further. However, he still didn't react.

After a few moments the gnome just sighed and began walking off towards the smells and sounds of people joyously musing over a hot meal. Noone opened his eyes and watched the gnome leave. Despite his small form and old age, he moved quite quickly Noone thought.

Soon two more people approached Noone.

This was Sarah and Tobias.

"Here. Take it." Tobias handed an extra bowl of stewed meat to Noone who gladly took it before sitting down with him. Sarah sat as well, quickly fishing out a spoon from her pack before digging in.

The three ate in relative silence, each listening to the sounds of chatting from further up the caravan.

They were a part of the security force. Tobias had expressed to them earlier that it was important they be nearby and ready should anything happen that requires their strength.

After a few minutes, two more people approached. Sally and Raelith, each carrying a bowl of stew.

"Hey." Raelith cheerfully called to them, making no effort to read the atmosphere.

Everyone nodded, inviting the two to join the circle.

"Where's Feylin?" Sarah asked after a bit of time had passed.

"He is talking with a novice adventurers party from Pinepass." Sally answered smoothly. She had run into him earlier before joining Rae in coming to the back of the caravan. Sarah looked as far up the road as she could but didn't see Feylin amongst the wandering people.

She let out a quiet sigh. Everyone heard, but no one said anything.