After Novrada's talk, she answered a few questions from new merchants and adventurers who had just joined this caravan.

A few people questioned the company's ability to protect the assets the merchants valued over their lives. To this, Novrada reintroduced herself and her power level and class. Then she had Tobias, Alaviv, and the other man – Calvin – introduce themselves as well.

After hearing their introductions, the entire caravan was put at ease. This was especially so after Alaviv's eccentric and shocking introduction.

Noone paid special attention when Alaviv introduced himself. Ever since the night before, his interest in the gnome had peaked.

"My name is Alavivgrehmla Gnuncecak" The gnome smiled playfully. "I am a 17th level wizard."

When he said these words, a gasp cut through the crowd - everyone seemed to recoil in shock. Discretely he made eye contact with Noone, seeming to know that Noone would be watching him from within the crowd.

The entire caravan devolved into murmurs. Some people voiced their disbelief and looked to Novrada to clarify. If it weren't for Novrada saying nothing, people would have begun accusing the small gnome of lying, especially those who knew nothing of gnomes.

Those that knew a thing or two about gnomes could only smile bitterly. Only one race could have someone grow to be so powerful, and yet be so carefree to not only join a small caravan, but openly reveal their level like this.

The gnome, enjoying the commotion he caused, winked playfully at Novrada who only rolled her eyes at the antics of the man who had enlisted with them.

In this world, most everyone short of the god's themselves could be categorized by power into levels one through 20.

Level one's were those who only just entered their designated classes. People like Sarah, Feylin, and Anette as well as her party.

Level fives could be considered strong, the majority of classed beings exist between levels five and ten, representing the median power of the common realm.

Once people crossed the level ten barrier, they would be considered in the upper echelons of power.

And then there were those between levels 15 and 20… these could be considered crazy powerful in the world at large. These were those who could own their own guilds, powers, and could redirect countries single-handedly.

Level 20's have changed the course of history by themselves and were considered legendary existences on par with demi-gods. There were only a handful of level 20's across the two continents. A few beings at the head of each class.

If this gnome was really level 17… he was probably the strongest being many of these people would ever meet in their lives.

Noone of course didn't understand the intricacies of this system when compared to the individuals from the surface, but he spread out his divine sense and caught the whispering of the people around him.

As much as this made Noone see the gnome in a different light… whenever he looked at the old gnome, Noone couldn't help but feel he was just a mischievous old man with a curious side.

Various thoughts ran through the mind of the people present, many thought to befriend Alaviv, however they were quickly dissuaded. Level 17 was just too far from them, there's nothing they could offer such a person.

Even Tobias was only at level ten, and Novrada was level 11.

Feylin and Sarah stood nearby and couldn't help but feel completely overwhelmed when looking at the gnome. They knew they had a long way to go before they could be considered strong… but to see an example of the strength they wanted to achieve so close… it made their desire to reach the same point burn brightly inside them.

It took a while for the commotion to die down. After some closing remarks by the dwarf, the caravan scattered into their position's and the carts moved forward, a strange air pervaded the entire group. The only exception was the bard named Reel, who, upon hearing Alaviv's level, immediately approached him to serenade him with tales of his exploits - imaginary tales thought up by the bard. The gnome - being one who loved a bard - tuned in with his own witty self-deprecating quips.

The two attracted numerous people, all of whom listened with wonder and enjoyment.

After a while, one brave or possibly insane young man chimed in with his own quip about the small gnome - the level 17 wizard.

The music stopped. The bard stopped singing. The gnome frowned. And the entire caravan went silent.

This young man who had been so caught up with the fun, realized he may have made a deadly mistake. He was about to kneel on the ground and beg for forgiveness, but before he could the bard and gnome both smirked - seeming to have some understanding of each other - and sung out the next verse incorporating the young man's jab.

Everyone burst into laughter and the bard hauled the young man to his feet giving him a wink. The young man breathed a sigh of relief but couldn't help but feel he had lost ten years off his life.

Soon between every verse, everyone would pitch in a jab. Sometimes about the bard - usually about the gnome. Everyone in the caravan slowly found themselves growing fond of the small being.

At one point a voice escaped one of the closed carts, proposing an incredibly witty jab at the bard. The voice was none other than the being the bard would torment with his songs since the beginning of their travels.

"Oh shut up you old coot! Did it take you that long to come up with something clever to say!" The bard yelled back.

Everyone laughed and the man in the cart could only cough in response.

Noone watched on in amazement. Even he - who usually tried to hide behind his stoicism - couldn't help but smile and laugh along with the rest.

After a few hours, the bard began to slow down, and the caravan quietly separated back into their stations.

"So? What do you think about me now Noone? Pretty powerful huh? I bet you won't ignore me again in the future." The gnome smirked, approaching Noone. However, Noone said nothing.

A few moments passed and Noone still didn't respond. The old gnome frowned.

"I thought you said we could talk today? Remember?" Alaviv eventually groaned. Noone looked at the gnome. In terms of size, the difference was staggering. Noone towered tall with broad shoulders and thick muscles, while the gnome was only a couple of feet tall and had the lanky proportions of an old man with bony hands and thin skin.

However, the difference between their strengths was like the difference between heaven and earth.

"And yet this young fellow still has the gall to ignore me?" The old gnome thought in a huff.

After a few more moments of silence, Noone used his new ability to speak directly into Alaviv's mind.

"If I remember right, I think I said you could come talk to me tonight. I never said anything about during the day." Noone teased turning his head away from the gnome inconspicuously, trying to hide his own smirk, however the gnome saw clean through him.

"You ungrateful brute!" The gnome transmitted back, "I take the time out of my night to help you learn to spread those crappy wings of yours and this is how you treat me? I am a wizard the likes of which you could never reach. I am basically untouchable to you. I could reduce your stony complexion to rubble, bring you back, and crumble you again. I could…" This continued for a few minutes, and Noone silently praised himself. He wondered how much of what the gnome threatened him with he was actually capable of.

As far as Noone knew, the gnome wasn't exaggerating when he said he could remake him into a candle and let a poor family burn him into nothingness.

"Of course…" The gnome added at the end of his tirade, "I would never actually do any of those things. I am a peaceful creature."

Noone gave Alaviv a look.

"No, really. I am. You don't get to live as long as I do stirring up trouble after all." The gnome spoke with indignation and a small amount of pride.

Noone looked at the gnome.

"How old are you anyways Alaviv?" Noone asked, legitimately curious.

The gnome put one of his hands on his chin, thinking while he walked. After a moment of muttering to himself he held up two fingers.

"200 years old huh?" Noone thought to himself. That wasn't too farfetched.

"Around two thousand years. Give or take a couple centuries." The gnome clarified after not seeing the reaction he was hoping for.

When Noone heard this he couldn't help but do a double take back at the little wizard.

"That's insane." He thought to himself. However, he truly believed that the little gnome spoke the truth. He had no reason to lie, after all.

"What about you young one?" Alaviv asked.

"Can't you just use magic to find out?"

"Well I'm not so impolite, why do that when I could just ask?"

Noone nodded, appreciating the gnome's weird sense of propriety.

"A hundred and twenty…" Noone thought for a moment, "-ish"

Alaviv looked at him oddly.




"But why are you so weak."

Silence again.

"I took a break from life for a while."

"Doing what?"

"I died."

Prolonged silence.

"Huh…" The gnome thought for a moment, before a grin came onto his face. "How was it?"

This time Noone thought for a moment. "It was…


Neither one said anything more for the next half hour.