Intermission 1: NEWS ABOUT BOOK 1 & 2

Things to address:

• Support and thanks

• Vote/rate/review

• Amazon Paperback/kindle

• Patreo n new & old

• Links


Support and Thanks!

Hi everyone! Whether you are a reader old who struggled through the original drip feed of chapters… or a new reader who has joined with the influx of re-uploads, welcome to the chaos :P

I really must say that for me, personally, this has been such an amazing journey of highs and lows. I am not disillusioned with my own writing. I know I am not the worst – but I am also well aware that I am not the best by any means, even in the community of freelance online writers. So the fact that so many of you take the time to read A Hand-Woven Universe not only blows my mind but also makes me so happy. Although it might be a long endeavor – I will continue the story of Noone and Tapestry all the way to the end.





Obviously on all websites where this is uploaded, they have a system in place to help rank the stories. I won't beg too much, but please consider doing whatever it is to bring this story a larger audience!

On WN this means voting everyday – if you feel so inclined, and leaving a review.

On RR this means leaving a rating and review.

I plan to upload soon on MQ as well!



Amazon Paperback/Kindle

After a multi-month haitus… I am proud to announce that Silence In Tapestry, Book 1 of A Hand-Woven Universe, is for sale on Amazon!

If you enjoyed book 1 enough to consider purchasing a paperback copy, then I would like to give you my thanks now just for the simple fact that you took the time to read all the way to that point. However, the paperback copy is not perfect. I had to do all of the writing, editing, and formatting myself. This means its quality will not be the MOST professional it could have been. For this I apologize, but for what it is – I am happy with it. Flaws and all.

If you would just like to support me but don't want to spend the money to purchase a paperback, please consider buying a kindle copy! It's far cheaper and I will receive about the same profit from either due to Amazon's royalty agreement.

Thank you all for being so patient with me getting this whole thing together. I know a lot of worries were going around about whether or not I would be back. Well, I am!



Patreo n: New and Old.

For those of you who have been supporting me on Patreo n (even through the hiatus…) Thank you. I honestly can not express my feelings on this properly through words alone – which really calls into question my efficacy as a writer. Nevertheless, I hope you all are prepared for book 2!

For anyone who might want to support me in a way other than Amazon – consider my patreo n! I will be changed the tiers a little bit to make it more enticing. Here's what you can expect:

•Even more advanced chapters per tier

• The ability to create major/minor characters for the story

• Patreo n-Specific discord tag!

• patreo n-Specific Q&A's

• Special mention in any books produced


I hope you all are preparing yourselves for book 2! I have quite a bit of outlining just to keep it flowing well. But I am equally excited to bring the story in my mind, to the page.


Amazon Kindle: (


Amazon Paperback: (


Patreo n: (https://www.patreo


Discord: ( )