
A silhouette could be seen standing inside the cloud of dust. It was the shaky figure of Alex.

When he saw that the fierce beast was about to self destruct, he already had ample preparations inside his head. By ample, it means it was almost none and he mostly relied on luck and instinct.

At that time, he unsheathed the dagger in his bracers and threw it in the beast's abdomen where all its energy was going chaotic.

By doing that, it hastened the process of destruction and at the same time, stopping it from doing more damage.

He wasn't afraid of the dagger nor the sword's destruction for they were given to him by the Scorpion Emperor.

After he threw the dagger, he immediately turned around to let the cape do its job of mitigating the fire damage caused by the explosion.

As the cloud of dust settled, there were still parts of the horse's body strewn on the ground.

Alex's face was filled with grains of sand. He was coughing out blood and sand, however there was this look on his face that says he wants more.

"Cough! Cough!", after a fit of coughing, he yelled: "Not enough! More! More!"

The White Rhino, who was previously at a very far distance away from Alex, now stood near him as it looked at this madman and shook its head as a sign of disapproval.

'This skill's really troublesome. It almost corrupts the mind into a bloodthirsty one, I think, it only affects the mind when it's activated and not alters the mind after. But I have no proof of that.'

At this time Alex's displeased voice entered its ear. "Why not? Look at how easy I've killed it?"

'Easy? Hmph! You almost lost your little life fighting one Desert Horse.'

"Okay, but this is the last time." the White Rhino sighed. It was crucial for the White Rhino to see the effects of Madness once more. Since it's for Alex's future use of the skill, one more use wouldn't hurt.

"Haha. That's more like it!" Alex said with a crazed laugh.

The White Rhino rolled its eyes and stomped its foot lightly.

'Rumble! Rumble!'

As if responding to the light stomp of the White Rhino, an earthquake seemed to occur beneath the sands.

The sand began to part as the White Rhino retreated to a far away sand dune and concealed ita aura.

Noticing the anomaly, Alex quickly searched for his sword and dagger and turned to look fervently at the hole.

Two Desert Horses emerged out of it. It immediately spotted the human that was holding a weapon in a menacing way. It didn't want to lose on the staring contest and glared at Alex with its red eyes.

Seeing that these beasts glared at him, he grinned mockingly at them and gestured towards the strewn body parts of the dead Desert Horse.

This simple action instantly provoked the young minds of the horses.



One of the Desert Horses dashed towards Alex and with a side step, he nimbly dodged the charging horse.

He wanted to throw his dagger towards the beast, but a fire attack was hurling towards him, threatening to obliterate his very existence.


His back was once again hit by an elemental attack. Even though he had the tattered cape to mitigate some damage that might have been inflicted.

Alex tried to command his body to dodge the incoming attack, but was ignored and he was now sent flying.

What could he possibly do? The skill hightens his pain tolerance and limits his control over his body.

Alex sighed, he didn't want to die but his body, no, the skill was stopping from gaining control. Just when he wanted to continue watching, his eyes lit up and saw that his body was flying towards the previous Desert Horse!

The horse was dumbfounded by the turn of events. It didn't expect for Alex to be hit by his brethren's attack. Just by the dodge Alex made earlier, it deduced Alex won't get hit by such an attack.

The Desert Horse raised its head to look at the sun then concentrated its mana on its abdomen and prepared to take down the flying Alex.

He didn't miss this opportunity to throw a sword towards its wide open neck. Before the sword could even reach its target, the Desert Horse lowered its head and aimed at him.

It was at this moment that the sword, which was supposed to pierce the neck of the horse, ended up inside its mouth instead.

With a splat! Blood painted the sand and the horse's red eyes angrily glared at him. Soon, its body dropped on the ground and died.

While the other Desert Horse was shocked that its comrade died with its help. It didn't think twice and returned from whence it came.

Alex immediately collapsed on the ground. The accumulation of his injuries assaulted him. Enduring a detonation of a beast core and a direct attack of a fierce beast. His body was beyond exhaustion.

If it wasn't for the little bit of constitution points that he added back then, he would definitely be gravely injured right now.

His red colored vision was now receding back to its natural state. He couldn't move an inch and was only gazing into the blue sky.

Then the White Rhino appeared. It was looking at him with a strange gaze.

'Hmmm? Is that pity? Is it pitying me? Well I don't care, as long as it helps me solve this problem then all is good.'

"Hey kid, I'm running out of time. So I'll make this quick. First of all, the use of this skill of your doesn't have any after effects. It does not corrupt your mind after using it. Secondly, it will be hard for you to control this skill to stop. That's why you would need something with an emotional value, that would remind you to keep your sanity. Preferably a bracelet with a bell or something."

Having said those words, its face soured then it relayed a message to him using its mana.

'We're being watched. Remember, don't rely on that skill too much.'

"Hehe! Farewell human. I await your growth." it said in a dignified and threatening way.

It turned around and slowly walked into the distance. Leaving Alex all alone in this desert.

Finally, he was unable to withstand the pain any longer and his vision, once again descended into darkness.