
A messenger pigeon was flying amidst the clouds above the City of Ember.

It safely entered a window of a mansion and landed on the arm of a young man with silver hair.

"Oh. You must be tired."

He gently rubbed the head of the pigeon and took some pieces of bread and fed it to the bird. He then slowly removed the letter that was dangling on its feet and quietly read its content.

'It's been more than two years now and he still hasn't come back? That's weird. Master said that he would probably return within three years. What else. Hmmm? The Chimera was outside the village for an unknown reason!? I need to tell this to Master.'

He threw the letter to the ground and quickly went to find his master.

The letter slowly fell and one could see who the sender was.

-From your Best Friend, Von.


"Roar!" "Roar!"

Threatening roars resounded outside a village at the southern part of Azta.

"It has been like this for a few days now!" a frustrated voice of young man was heard.

"We are powerless against these beasts, my child. All we can do is endure." an old man replied.

"But our food is running out. I-"

"The army should be arriving today. If it wasn't for our messages being intercepted, then everything wouldn't have turned out like this."

The beasts have been rallying outside the village for three days now and the villagers still didn't know what caused it. Every naughty little kid were questioned by their parents. Not a single soul was spared by the questions.

Meanwhile, on Alex's house.

"Baa! Baa!"

"Don't run! Hahaha!"

A white little sheep was running around the small house. Chasing behind it was a girl that seemed to be at the age of 9, with long black hair. It is like they were playing tag, with the girl playing only as 'it'.

"Mari. The food's already on the table." a gentle voice called out to the girl who was chasing the little sheep.

"Baa! Baa!"


The two stopped playing around. A very distinct sound of a bell was heard when Mari ran into the dining area.


It was at this moment that an earth-shaking roar reverberated outside the village.


"Mari! Take Luna and come with me. Quick!"

Mari could see the change in expression on her mother's face and quickly did as she was told. Ever since she knew of his brother's disappearance, she had been crying all week long. She didn't believe that her brother was dead, but not seeing for almost two years made her think otherwise.

Her mom, she was different. She only cried for a night and acted as if everything was fine. She even brought her Luna, the sheep.

As they reach the backyard, they could hear the villagers crying for help and could see everyone running around.

Both of them looked at the village's entrance and saw a humongous with the head of a Lion and a Goat. Its tail could also be seen waggling behind it.

'The Chimera!'

"Come on. Let's go to the village head." The duo ran in the direction of the village head's house as fast as they could.

When they saw the old man, there were already tons of people with him. Although the old man was a high mage, he could easily tell that the chimera way stronger than him.


"I'm telling you, your child's not here!" shouted the old man. It has been asking the old man about its child for the last three days.

"How dare you lie to me, human! Do you think I could not sense my own kin inside your village! Now that I've become a Void Beast, let's see if anyone of you could block me!"

"W-what!?" the old man flinched when he heard what the Chimera said. A Void Beast was much stronger than a normal Archmage.

The only thing that protects the village wasn't its puny fences as a defense, nor was his meager strength that was below it. It was the treaty between beasts and humans. Even though mankind only has one King left, the three renowned King Beasts were wary of him for unknown reasons. So they didn't want other beasts to openly provoke humans as a precaution.

Now it seems that this treaty will soon be broken by a Chimera searching for its kin.

"I've had enough! I'll just take my child then!" the Chimera was planning to act. It was already commendable of it to wait outside the village for a few days rather than forcefully taking its child. However it cannot bear the fact that its child was abducted from it during its birth.

"Baa! Baa!"

Luna, the sheep that was on Mari's embrace suddenly struggled and landed on the ground.

"Baa! Baa!"

"What!?" the Chimera was actually happy to see it child. However, the sheep's 'words' further enraged the Chimera when it heard its child siding with the humans.

As it was about to enter the village, it suddenly raised its head and looked into the distance.

A ball of fire was quickly approaching from the distant sky.

It wasn't long before the ball of fire neared and landed in front of the village head.

An old man with long white beard and long white hair emerged from the ball of fire. He first looked at the people behind him to see if there were any acquaintance and he found someone.

"Oh Ben! You're here!" he immediately greeted the village head.

"Yes, yes. Now could you help us? We're in the middle of something here."

"It's alright, it's alright." as he was saying this, his eyes was attracted to a certain someone and was startled.

He then turned his attention towards the Chimera outside the village. He smiled brightly and said, "What did I miss?"