School and Irina

Finally after two hellish weeks of training and exploring his powers it was time for issei to go to primary school, he knew that the subjects would most likely be easy so he shouldn't have a problem he was excited to meet one of his favorite charachters Shidou Irina

After eating breakfast issei's father went to work and his mother was the one taking him to school before also going to work. At the gates of school he could see a lot of children chatting inside so he quickly tried to get familliar with the school before going to class at the sound of the bell

His luck was godly as his sit was in the back and beside him was a little girl with chestnut hair and violet eyes and a 'tomboyish' aura around her "Hey my name is issei, what about you?"the girl was surprised that someone talked to her replied "...I'm Irina, Shidou Irina" "so why didn't you try to make friends with the other classmates?" he looked around seeing everyone talking and making friends

"I tried but they shot me down"said Irina with a sad voice and moist eyes

Issei's eyes almost instantly softened "Well, how about being my friend then?" her body almost jumped up "Yes, i would love to" just as issei was about to reply the homeroom teacher gathered the class's attention

The rest of the classes were boring and meaningless to issei so he just kept using magic inside his body to make it smoother to control and denser when it was lunch Irina and Issei ate togather and got to know each other better

She asked him if he wanted to come to her house to play which he refused as he wasn't sure if he could hide his boosted gear in front of her father an experianced exorcist as he didn't want to be scouted by the church

At home Issei went to his room to talk with ddraig "Ddraig we have a problem"the boosted gear appeared and ddraig's voice could be heard "what is it partner?" "I need you to teach me how to hide my power and the presence of the boosted gear" "okay but it will take time as your control over magic needs to be more advanced"

The next weeks were boring as classes are worthless so he just keep training his magic silently in class and get to know more about Irina and as they couldn't meet in her house they would go meet at the park nearby to have fun together

His control over magic had a huge leaps in these past few weeks and Ddraig finally thought him how to hide his magic, the draconic aura of the boosted gear and even his presence if he wanted to sneak around

the next day he finally decided to go to irina's as he could hide his power