
As they entered her house issei felt some discomfort in his arm as he was thinking about that a middle-aged man with brown hair and eyes just like Issei "Welcome, you must be Issei i finally get to meet you after hearing so much about you from Irina"to which Irina's cheeks took a rosy color

"Hello sir it's nice to meet you"

Immediatly after the greetings Irina took issei around the house he managed to catch a glimpse of the holy sword mentioned in the original series even though issei's mid was that of an adult he still enjoyed playing with Irina and developped a real friedship with her

Months pass issei's power grew he managed to learn how to sense the presence of people around him, his control over magic and the quantity of that magic increased during his training while always pushing his body to his limits, he left the karate dojo to continue making his own fighting style

Ddraig managed to teach issei how to breath draconic fire and basic elemental magic which allowed issei to control the elements to a small extent; but the biggest thing is that he managed to achieve the second stage of the sharingan as it seems that it grows with his power

The sharingan was a life saver as learning fighting styles from books became easier to recreat because of the photographic memory

His relationship with Irina became closer as the more time he spent with her the more attached he got.Their parents got to know each other issei managed to stay at inrina's house while vice versa

One day Ddraig gave issei an advice "partner i know you're getting stronger but without any opponents you won't be able to imrove much" "so what should i do?"asked a confused issei

3since you could detect people you could try fighting some stray devils or exorcists it will help you both hone your powers and get used to... killing"said Ddraig with a low voice, Issei never tought about that as he never imagined that he will kill someone 'kill? i used to lose my composure at the sight of blood how can i get used to killing' tought issei

"i'll...try my best Draig" the issei went to sleep while thinking about what to do

issei woke up to do his morning exercices before taking a shower and breakfast then heading to school but his toughts were still about yesterday's coversation with Ddraig. He knew that he needs this or one day his 'Humanity' will get in the way, he didn't want to lose his dream his loved ones so the only thing he could do was to try and steel his heart... But before he could finish he met Irina with a beatifyl radiant smile on her face that seems to sweep all those grim thought 'To protect this smile of my loved one i need...NO, MUST steel my heart'

The day passed like normal we went to Irina's house to play, while we were playing irina's father called her to talk i felt something wrong, after a while Irina returned with a weird expression which confirmed my doubts "what's with the long face Irina?" "My...dad told me that we'll be moving...to england" her voice was almost a whisper but i could hear her. 'I knew that this day will come but seing this happening in front of me almost breaks my heart' Issei was on the verge of crying as he knew he won't be able to see her radiant smile anymore

"s-so...uhm when will y-you guys move?" "Tomorrow" said Irina while crying as she couldn't take it anymore she left the house, i followed after her into the park where we usually play

Issei felt his heart stinging watching the girl he come to like crying so he tried to comfort her "You know Irina even though you'll be leaving that doesn't mean we'll never meet again" "...R-r-really?" came a small voice "Yes i also got you a present so that you'll always remember me" he gave her a bracelet with a draconic rune he learned from Ddraig beforehand which will be able to protect her in a dire situation


"Ddraig i've got something to ask you" "what is it partner? i was taking a really nice nap"came a sleeping voice from the red gauntlet"well can you teach that protection rune you talked about?" "why? isn't it better to use a barrier using magic" "it's not for me it's for my friend" " okay but it will need a lot of magic more than you can handle, so you have to use your boosted gear to the max and then engrave it"

Issei followed Ddraig's instruction by boosting 10 time which was his max as his body was still groing

the he engraved a simple protection rune on a cute silver bracelet he bought before which gave the bracelet ared color intertwined with silver.

-End Flashback-

Irina took the bracelet with great care and put it on "it looks beatiful, thank you Issei, now for my gift for you so you always remember me. now close your eyes" to which issei complied obly to feel soft lips on his own which surprised him. He oppened his eyes to see violet eyes staring into his own

She was his first love