Devil life

Issei tried to get used to the demonic energy coursing through his body, and refine his control, he could feel that the spells he used were strengthened and his body getting stronger under the nourishement of that energy.

It was monday, Issei's first job as a devil started he had to hand out flyers which could summon devil to grant people their wishes, while handing them out he met some people who refused the flyers or outright cursed at him, he was pissed off because he needed to meet his quota and was loosing precious training time.

The next few days he got better at handing out flyers and knew who to target, he also got Akeno to teach him how to use magic so he won't look suspecious later on while using spells, he was genuinly surprised by her lnowledge about thunder magic, and Issei was even able to learn a thing or two from her.

He couldn't ask her about how to use teleportation circles as it is too advanced which made Issei sigh.

It has been a week since he started handing out flyers, today Rias wanted to show him, how to summon his sacred gear, "Issei since you got 8 pawns your sacred gear must be strong at least a high level one or even a longinus" Issei wnet with the flow and summoned his boosted gear

""HOLY SHIT!!!!"" everyone exclaimed' event the stoic Koneko was greatly shocked.

"What is it" Asked Issei with a fake clueless expression, to which Rias responded while still shocked "That is the Boosted gear one of the 13 longinus, it houses one of the two heavenly dragons the 'Red Dragon Emperor'" Issei did his best to look surprised, "it even have the power to double the power of it's wielder every second, it is remoured that the weilder of the boosted gear can reach the level of god even for short amount of time"continued Rias

This weekend Issei met Kiba in the park, as he wanted to battle a strong swordsman and copy his moves to strengthen his own, because he never met a 'supernatural' swordsman and only copied the moves of normal humans.

Issei came prepared using lenses to hide his sharingan, we started sparring using wooden sword, he managed to copy Kiba's moves adding them to his own and pushing his swordsmanship to a new level by fusing the moves. Kiba was very surprised as he asked "I didn't know you're this good with swords" "I trained ly swordsmanship when i was younger, not only in japanese kendo but also other western styles"

We sparred for three hours, Kiba was happy as he found a fellow sword user and seemed to get closer to Issei now that they have something in common. Issei returned home beat up but he couldn't help but smile as he got a lot of benifits from the spar.

After a boring schoolday he went to the club to take the flyers so he can go out and finish early, but just as he was about to leave he heard Rias saying "Issei after you've finished giving out those flyers comeback to the club, ok?" "Ok, president" then he lest to give out the flyers while thinking 'It seems tonight i won't be able to train'

Issei arrived in front of the school gates he saw Rias and her peerage waiting for him. She said "Issei there seems to be a stray devil in my territory so we'll go exterminate it, you'll only be watching how we fight and i'll explain to you the nature of the evil pieces"

We teleported to the outskirts of the town, where issei could feel an energy signature ahead. they continued forward only to meet the stray devil, and he was only a low class one at that.

Kiba went ahead to intercept the stray with a barrage of sword strikes, then koneko just came as she was slower than kiba and punched the stray into a wall, akeno did nothing major other than stun him with a weak thunder spell as he was only a low level stray devil.

While this was happening Rias was explaining to me every piece and it's role, the rook which had high attack and defence, the knight with high speed and the bishop's high magic power. "Then what about the queen and the pawn" asked Issei, "the queen has a boost in all of the departements, and while the pawn has none it has the ability to promote into any piece as long as there the right circumstances"