
Issei kept pushing his body to the limit, he managed to boost 60 times unlike when he was human and could only boost 38 times, but he was a bit pissed off as his training time kept decreasing so he decided to ask Rias the next day if she could do anything about it.

Tomorrow classes went as expected, he chatted with Kiba during lunch break but that was it, Upon entering the clubroom he saw flyers on the table and knew what he needed to do but before leaving he asked Rias "President, when do you think i could get out of handing out flyers?"

Rias pondered for a moment before answering "Well you've been doing a great job handing flyers, these past few weeks, so i guess it's time for you to get a familar" "GREAT! So when can i get a familiar?" Issei asked eagerly, "Well we have to wait for the full moon, and that's 5 days away" Rias quickly shot him down.

Issei took his flyers and went to hand them out, while doing his job he met Sona who was passing by so he went ahead and greeted "Hi president Sona" she looked surprised before replying " Hello there Hyoudou Issei i see that you joined Rias's peerage" "How did you know?" asked Issei "Well it's because i'm also a devil and does have a peerage" "Ah... Ok, so what are you doing here?"

"I'm buying some materials for school" Issei's eye lit up and said with a smile "Well, let me go with you and carry them"

"I can't let you do that it's my duty !" exclaimed Sona, "And it's the duty of gentleman to help a beautiful woman like you.", this immediatly caused Sona to blush "Ok" she said with a low embarassed voice.

While going to the store he kept talking with her doing his best to get to know her better and leave a good impression, he carried the required materials while returning to the school, they arrived before the student council room, they exchanged farewells before going their separate ways

Issei went to the ORC clubroom to report before leaving to his house, he then trained a bit before going to sleep

5 days later Issei was excited about the idea of getting a familliar ,he went to the clubroom to find everyone waiting for him "So are you excited Issei ' asked Rias with warm smile "You bet i'am !!"

they then took the telportation circle to the forest of familiars.

After a blinding light issei and the others found themselves in front of a forest, they could hear roars in the distance, suddenly Issei felt a presence coming towards them. 'Oh great it's the knock-off ash' tought issei.

Suddenly a brown haired old man with a lame reversed cap and a tank top said "Hello, i'm the familiar master Zatooji" "Hello again Zatooji" said Rias with a sweatdrop, "Hey! i recognize you you're that gremory princess, what are you doing here you and your peerage already got familiars"

to which she replied "I got a new member so he came here to get his familiar"

He looked directly at Issei and "Well ok, what kind of familiar would you want" "A reliable one that can take over my duties", he tought for a second before bringing us around, walking froward Issei saw a lake and had a bad feeling about it.

Zatooji just wanted to start explaining about what is it something peeked out of the lake, Issei quickly yelled a the top of his lungs "HELL NO!!!" and dragged them away.

While walking around Issei could see a broken eggshell, before he could finish thinking he was tackeled by a small shadow to the ground, it was a red scaled mini'dragon, he was pondering before he was mentally contacted by Ddraig "It's a female fire dragon she must be attracted to you due to me residing in your body" He finally understood why he will be approached by a dragon even a low level one.

"OOH! whatcatch"said Zatooji, "Okay i've decided i'll make her my familiar, og i'll also need to name her... hmm how about Tia" the small dragon licked my face which seemed like an approval.

The contract seremony went without hitch and now i'll be able to summon Tia anytime i want , and i'll get more time for training thanks to her. We used the teleportation circle to go back to the clubroom, then we chatted for a while before i returned home.